Why Is My Beard Curly?(Uncover The Science Behind Curly Beards)

Why Is My Beard Curly? The Science Behind Your Unique Beard Texture

Do you wish to know why is my beard curly? Yes! Your beard is curly because of your genetics and the shapes of your follicles.

I remember back then, when I was 18 years old, I noticed my beard start growing curly beard.

I was wondering why my beard was curly. And I later discovered why the shape of my beard is curly.

Let me show you everything you need to know about why your beard is curly from my years of experience.

Know here can you fix a curly beard? (beard grooming secrets)

Let’s delve into it.

What Is The Reason Why My Beard Is Curly

One thing is certain: each beard is unique and has its development. Similar to hair strands, each beard strand develops with a specific curvature.

Smoother beards have a more cylindrical shape when they are born, while more wavy or curly beards have a flatter shape, which causes the hair to grow curly.

The curlier the curvature of your beard, the closer it will be to a curly type.

To understand if your beard is curly, you need to measure its hair, stretching it until you know it carefully.

Let’s move on to learn the characteristics of a curly beard.

Click here to learn more about what does a curly beard mean

Characteristics Of The Curly Beard

The main characteristic of a curly beard is hair that looks thicker (due to the design of its curvature) and is more prone to dryness.

Even with a hydration routine, nutrients may not be fully absorbed by the hair to its roots. Therefore, some special care may be necessary for your curly beard.

Let’s move on to some curly beard routine you can apply at home.

Check here to learn the difference between a curly beard vs straight beard

What Is The Daily Routine For Curly Beard

Hydration: #1 combat against dryness

Curly beard hair tends to need greater care when it comes to hydration, as it dries out easily.

To always keep your curly beard hydrated, I recommend you use beard oil. Beard oil product has a deeper action on the hair and can treat it from the inside out.

When you apply beard oil to your curly beard, your curly beard result will be a healthier, shiny, and fuller beard, without that hard, dry appearance.

Click here to learn 13 rules to help a man dress better

Generally, the best beard oil product to use is an essential plant oils that also contribute to other aspects such as controlling acne and reducing itching.

Click here to delve into what does beard oil do (the top benefits of beard oil for men)

I recommend that this be your constant companion, as it renews your curly beard daily with the nutrients and hydration necessary for a vigorous, soft, and always dry beard.

Hygiene: #2 To Keep Your Curly Beard Healthy

Throughout the day, it is normal for debris to accumulate between the beard hairs.

Whether it’s everyday dust, smoke, or grease present in the food we eat, you must have a cleaning routine to avoid everyday dirt.

In this sense, washing your beard with a Beard Shampoo is essential to maintain a healthy and clean appearance in your beard.

Washing your beard with a Beard Shampoo Prevents debris and dead cells from accumulating over time and becoming harmful to the health of your beard.

Don’t think that a simple napkin will remove all the sauce and fat that remained between the threads! Use beard shampoo two to three everyday for your curly beard.

Exfoliation: #3 To Prevent Your Curly Beard From Getting Ingrown

Due to the curly appearance of its curvature, the frizzy strands of your beard can become ingrown more easily.

It is because, due to their condition, they are more likely to stay inside your skin. It can cause minor skin inflammation and complications for the appearance of your beard.

If your pores accumulate debris or dust over time, this increases the chances of your beard becoming ingrown even more.

Keeping the area exfoliated with a face and beard scrub will make all the difference, as it will prevent pores from becoming blocked and ending up with ingrown hairs.

Understand your beard and take care of it!

Just like hair, beards have different curvatures. Smooth, wavy, curled and frizzy. And like with hair, each type needs a specific routine to develop better.

Click here to delve into a beard care routine at home

What Are The Tips For Curly Beard

Choose the best cut: finding the ideal cut will help you keep your curly beard looking good. It’s worth asking the barber for help.

Let me show you some tips on how to choose the cut. Choose the beard style that suits your face shape.

Always keep it combed:

Using a wooden comb daily will help keep your beard aligned, and, as the comb is made of wood, it does not generate electrostatics, which is one of the things responsible for creating a curly beard stand-up.

Trim whenever you can: Trimming your beard, even if it is a long beard, will bring more strength, vitality, and renewal to your curly facial hair.

From time to time, trim yours. On top of that, cutting the ends of the strands will help to remove those strands that stick out outside the line of your beard design, leaving a more uniform and “closed” beard.

Click here to learn more about how to take care of a man’s beard (secrets to a healthy beard)

What Are The Benefits of Having Curly Beard

One of the best benefits of a curly beard is lower UV exposure can also mean that beards delay the aging process, keeping your skin protected, youthful, and wrinkle-free.

Additionally, people with curly beards are also less likely to get skin cancer.

Sun exposure is the primary cause of photoaging and damage to the skin.

So, it seems to reason that having a thick, curly beard on your face might protect your skin from the indications of aging.

 It means fewer wrinkles and a reduction in age spots commonly found on the face.

The same consensus applies to anyone who has a lot of hair on their head.

People with a lot of hair don’t tend to get skin cancer or photoaging of the scalp. So, we can see that there is a UV protective effect.

Now, it’s worth remembering that UV protection depends on the thickness and density of the curly beard. In other words, the thicker the curly beard, the better.

The study was done using mannequins that were left in the sun, some with full beards, others with partial beards, while some were bare-faced.

Scientists rotated their heads to ensure each mannequin was exposed to an equal amount of sunlight and then measured the levels of radiation absorbed by each.

Click here to learn a good face routine for men? (the ultimate guide to a top-notch face routine for men)

How Do You Know If Your Beard Is Curly?

First of all, how do you know if your beard is curly? The first tip for recognizing a beard is to compare it to regular curly hair, as it can be very similar.

The difference between a beard and curly hair is that facial hair can have a frizzier appearance.

Furthermore, the beard can also appear drier and more fragile than the hair.

Another way to differentiate a curly beard from another type of beard is to look at its texture and aesthetics.

Compared to other types of beard, the curly beard is thicker and also has a greater volume than a straight beard.

Is Curly Beard Attractive?

Yes, the curly beard is attractive because women find men with curly beards more attractive.

The curly beard trend seems to be here to stay, and some say that men with curly beards are the most attractive and there are already several studies that prove this.

According to a study published in the “ Journal of Evolutionary Biology,” several men were photographed with and without a beard, and the result leaves no room for doubt:

Women clearly prefer men with beards.

Eight thousand five hundred women classified men with and without beards using photographs, and they all preferred men with beards. The various men were photographed:

Without beard

Five days after shaving

Ten days later

One month later

The men who received the highest ratings were those who had not shaved for a month, followed by men with 10 and 5-day beards.

Are Men With Curly Beards More Attractive

The curly beard changes men’s sexy appeal, and the University of New South Wales says so, which carried out a study on this subject.

The study was carried out with hundreds of women who had to rate which men were the most beautiful.

The result of this study showed that men with a full curly beard were considered more attractive compared to men without a beard.

The beards considered most charming were those that had not been shaved for more than five days.

Beards make men more attractive and healthier; study indicates

Beards came out of ostracism and became fashionable some time ago in the wake of the wave of hipsters and lumbersexuals, but beyond style.

There are hidden benefits behind facial hair, a study suggests.

In addition to scientifically proving that they make men more attractive, research has revealed that beards provide great health benefits as well.

They can protect men from 90 to 95% of harmful UV rays with an ultraviolet protection factor of up to 21, according to a study carried out by professors at the University of Queensland.

Do curly beards take longer to grow?

Yes, a curly beard might take a longer time to grow, depending on your beard health.

Generally, both a curly beard and a straight beard take time to grow.

But curly beards might seem like they take more longer time to grow because of their appearance of curls.

You have to be patient when growing a curly beard. Taking care of your curly beard regularly can make your curly beard grow faster.

Click here to learn more about how to shape your curly beard to grow in good shape.

Why Is My Beard So Dry And Curly?

There are different reasons why your beard can dry and curly.

Lack of moisture: Not moisturizing your beard can cause your beard to dry and curly.

If you don’t give your beard enough moisture daily, it can dry and become frizzy.

Make sure to use beard oil for your bead daily essential to achieve a healthy polished beard.

To demonstrate, using beard oil for your beard is like a refreshing drink for a facial beard hair look to get an elegant appearance.

Natural texture: Most men are naturally born with curly beards because every man has unique natural hair.

However, making your curly beard look dry means it lacks maintenance.

Generally, curly beards need a bit of extra care to keep them in line.

Wrong beard product: Applying regular wrong shampoo or harsh chemicals soap on your beard can make your beard dry and frizzy.

To illustrate, applying harsh chemicals and soap on your beard is like trying to water your plant with a soda, which means the plant can’t end up well.

You must opt for a specific beard product to pamper your facial foliage and keep it healthy.

The winter wonderland season: the colder season can make men’s beard dry.

So, it would help if you considered using a beard balm to moisturize your beard to avoid dryness during winter.

Taking care of your beard in the winter season will make your beard avoid the effect of the weather on your beard.

Lack of beard brushing: Not combing or brushing your beard daily can make your beard look unruly.

It is essential you know your beard needs brushing or combing to keep it in shape.

Combining or brushing your beard will help it avoid knots and tangles that can make it look unruly.


Now that you have learned why is my beard curly.

Please do not forget your beard grows curly facial hair because of your genetics, and you have to take care of your curly beard to look attractive.

Make sure to apply beard oil that suits your curly beard every day.

Remember to follow your daily beard routine to treat it with specific products, such as beard shampoo and beard balm.

Click here to learn what is the distinction between beard oil and beard balm? (beard oil vs. Beard balm)