What’s A Good Face Routine For Men? (The Ultimate Guide To A Top-Notch Face Routine For Men)

Whats A Good Face Routine For Men 1

Do you wish to know what’s a good face routine for men? Yes! Men can have a good face routine by cleansing and moisturizing their faces daily.

I was a student at Cambridge University eight years ago. One of my friends commented on how bad my face looked with sunburn and redness.

I was unhappy because I didn’t know how to care for my face.

I wondered how to have a face routine to care for my face.

I later discovered a men’s routine to take care of my face daily to look fresh and healthy.

Let me show you how I have been taking care of my face for the past eight years.

Know how do men start a skincare routine as beginners here

Let’s go

The 5 Good Steps For An Effective Face Care Routine For Men

Daily skin cleansing is necessary to rebalance the skin’s sebum and purify the epidermis of impurities accumulated throughout the day.

However, be careful not to go too hard so as not to strip your skin and prevent it from retaliating by creating even more oil. Opt for gentle cleansers with natural formulations.

Step1 Good Face Routine For Men: To Clean

Clean your face in the morning and evening, paying particular attention to the T-zone, which is the area most prone to imperfections.

If your skin is mixed and tends to shine, I recommend natural cleanser in a paste that will purify and mattify your face.

Step2 Good Face Routine For Men: Exfoliate

Exfoliating face care eliminates dead cells, activates microcirculation, restores color to gray complexions, and optimizes cell renewal.

So regardless of your skin type, you can’t skip this step once or twice a week. The most popular type of exfoliator is one with grains.

For sensitive skin, it is preferable to opt for an enzymatic texture, exfoliating natural mask, which will gently nibble dead cells during the exposure time.

Step3 Good Face Routine For Men: Hydrate

Last step, and not least, hydration. Once your skin is well detoxified, it is essential to apply a moisturizer.

Indeed, moisturizing and nourishing it on a daily basis will bring it protection, comfort, and radiance.

Before choosing the right one for you, look at the composition of the products and choose natural, clean formulas without controversial ingredients.

And for drier skin, I recommend a rich moisturizer or an oil balm to intensely nourish the skin without sticking.

Check here to learn what is a good skincare routine for men

Step4 Good Face Routine For Men: Prepare The Skin Well For Shaving

Even though beards are becoming increasingly trendy, many men still shave daily, whether for work or personal taste.

Poorly executed, it can create aggression for the skin. How to avoid it?

First, favor shaving in the morning, but be careful, do not do it as soon as you wake up.

Please wait until you’ve taken a warm shower to soften the hair and open your pores, making their cut smoother.

Another little tip, shave before breakfast because chewing food promotes blood flow to the face and facilitates the appearance of redness.

Second, carefully choose your facial care to accompany shaving and avoid dry shaving! Opt for gentle, non-irritating, and moisturizing products to help the blade glide.

I recommend using natural moisturizing cream for aftershave to bring hydration and comfort to your skin.

Expand your knowledge about what is the distinction between beard oil and beard balm.

Step5 Good Face Routine For Men: The Right Care For A Skin Under Beard

The beard is a breeding ground for dust and germs that you must clean regularly for hygiene and to prevent the formation of flaws.

 I recommend using make-up remover balm, which will be perfect for deep cleansing impurities and nourishing and softening beard hair at the same time.

I recommend bearded men exfoliate their skin once or twice a week with natural grain exfoliant to prevent the appearance of an ingrown beard.

What Good Face Routine Makes A Man’s Face Look Younger?

Today, male beauty routines are becoming more democratic. As proof: the sales of skincare products specially formulated for men increased by 36.2% between 2010 and 2015.

These gentlemen want to display healthy skin, and they are no longer afraid to blur the signs of fatigue and their imperfections or to limit the appearance of the signs of aging.

The goal of the modern man is to look younger and have beautiful skin to show his best side.

But since men’s skin differs slightly from women’s, it requires special attention. It is thicker and firmer. It is also oilier and more prone to impurities but less sensitive to the signs of aging.

Check here to learn how to take care of a man’s beard.

Good Face Routine For Men: 3 Habits To Adopt That Makes Men’s Faces Look Younger.

Habit #1: Cleanse your skin

This gesture is essential to remove the impurities (sebum, dust, particles of pollution) deposited on the face daily.

Turn to cleansing gels to use in the shower. Easy to use, their fresh texture provides a boost in the morning.

If you suffer from imperfections, choose formulas enriched with purifying or anti-imperfection active ingredients.

The mistake not to commit:  use soap or shower gel too aggressively to clean the skin of the face.

Habit #2: Moisturize your face

moisturizing the face is the key to beautiful skin. So, invest in a moisturizer to apply morning and evening on clean skin.

Don’t panic; today, the textures adapt to your desires for lightness and a second skin finish. Some formulas are 2 in 1, with an anti-fatigue, anti-aging or anti-imperfection action.

The mistake not to make:  choose a cream that is poorly suited to your skin type (normal, combination, oily, dry) and its problems (imperfections, skin sensitivity, redness).

Habit #2: use special shaving care

Foam, gel, or oil. Shaving care facilitates the hair’s straightening and improves the blade’s glide.

A reflex to avoid cuts, redness, and other irritations, don’t neglect aftershave care either, which soothes your face from razor burn.

The best time to shave is after the shower. As the water vapor opens the skin’s pores where the hair is lodged, it helps soften it further.

The mistake not to commit:  dry shaving. Nothing is worse than weakening the epidermis and promoting the risk of cuts and redness.

Mistake To Avoid In Men Face Routine

It surprises me that men cared for their faces in the 20th century. Facial routines aren’t just for women anymore. Men are also concerned about their appearance and well-being.

However, knowing there are mistakes to avoid in men’s facial care routine is essential for men.

I remember back in the days when I didn’t know how to take care of my facial skin.

I made certain mistakes and habits that harmed my skin and caused problems such as acne, dryness, or even premature wrinkles.

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The first mistake to avoid in men’s face routine:  You must not use women’s skincare products. Women’s products have different ingredients than men’s and are unsuitable for male skin.

Therefore, it is essential to choose products specially designed for men.

If you are the kind of man who has curly hair. Click here to learn curly hairstyles for men.

The second mistake to avoid in men’s face routine: It would be best not to neglect the skin’s hydration.

Male skin is often oilier than female skin, creating the appearance that it does not require hydration.

Now, well-hydrated skin is healthier and more resistant to external aggressions.

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Common Mistakes To Avoid In Men’s Routine

There are several common mistakes men make when taking care of their skin.

Here are some of the most common errors:

Use of unsuitable products:  Using the wrong products is a common mistake men make when caring for their skin.

Choosing men’s products that suit your skin type and specific personal needs is essential.

For example, you should use products that regulate sebum production if you have oily skin. If you have dry skin, you should use items meant to hydrate it.

Skip necessary steps: Skipping necessary steps is another common mistake men make when caring for their skin. Following a complete facial care routine is essential for the best results.

You should wash your face daily, moisturize, and protect your skin. It is adequate to exfoliate once or twice every week. If you skip a step, you may not get the desired results.

Not cleaning the skin properly: Not cleansing the skin right is a common mistake men make when caring for their skin. It is essential to completely cleanse your skin to eliminate excess oil, debris, and impurities.

To illustrate, If you don’t clean your skin properly, you risk developing problems like pimples, blackheads, and clogged pores.

Click here to learn beard care routine at home.

Should Men Wash Their Faces With Hot Water Good Face Routine?

No! It is not a good idea for men to wash their faces with hot water because it dehydrates the skin and causes oiliness.

The tip is to wash your face with warm water. Wash your face separately with cold water is a good option for your skin.

Can Men Use A Product That Is Not For Their Skin Type?

No! It is unsuitable for men to use products not for their skin type.

In addition to not treating the skin, the wrong cosmetic can cause adverse reactions.

The tip is always to look for a dermatologist! He will tell you your skin type, and you can bet on the ideal products.

Can A Man Use The Same Soap For His Body And Face For Good Face Routine?

No! It is not a good idea for men to use the same soap for their bodies and face.

I know that you want practicality in your male grooming routine, but I also need to mention that the skin on the face differs from the skin on the body and needs special attention.

Facial skin is more oily and requires a specific soap for the region.

Can Men Cleanse Their Faces Before Bed For Good Face Routine?

Yes! Before going to bed, men should wipe their faces with a cleanser.

In addition to soap or facial cleansing gel, tonic, and micellar water are essential to deeply clean male skin.

They clean, remove oiliness and dirt accumulated throughout the day, and help prevent pimples and carnations.

Click here to learn what does beard oil do

What Can Men Use Aftershave For Good Face Routine?

Men can use aftershave lotion on the skin of their faces.

The razor blade can irritate the skin on your face. To get around this, you can bet on an aftershave lotion that helps heal and hydrate the skin.

Click here to learn how to shape your beard

What is the proper facial care routine for a man?

Before cleaning the face, wash your hands not to irritate your skin. 

Take your cleansing lotion and apply it directly to the face; you must start by cleaning the outside of the face and then finish from the inside to remove impurities from the T zone (nose, forehead, chin).

You must repeat this gesture twice to remove impurities from the face properly and excess sebum if you have any.

Then apply a moisturizer to soothe the face and hydrate it as much as possible. Even sensitive skin needs a lotion to nourish the face.

You must exfoliate at least once a week to remove impurities and a mask to nourish and protect the face.

These two treatments are complementary; they will allow you to have a fresh and luminous complexion.

Check  here to learn men’s hair care

What Affects Men’s Facial Skin Every Day?

Just like women, men’s skin is exposed daily to external aggressions that make it look bad (pollution, fatigue, stress, tobacco, poor diet, sweat, sun, etc.), and, added to that, shaving.

Without care, the skin has difficulty coping with it and protecting itself.

Men have an epidermis rich in testosterone; the male hormone produces it in greater quantity than women.

Men’s skin is 20% thicker on average, and due to many sebaceous glands in men, it tends to get oily quickly. It Results in Pimples, blackheads, and dilated pores are there.

Furthermore, for guys who shave frequently, it is a daily activity that can harm the skin without sufficient care.

Men, therefore, need facial treatments that will regulate excess sebum, purify and repair their skin.


Now that you have learned what’s a good face routine for men.

Do not forget always remove the pollutants (sebum, dust, and pollution particles) accumulated on the face daily.

Turn to cleansing gels to use in the shower. Easy to use, their fresh texture provides a boost in the morning.

Remember, the secret to great skin is to moisturize the face. So, apply a moisturizer to clean the skin in the morning and evening.

But I also have an existing article stating the ultimate guide to a simple and effective beauty routine for men