What Is Hair Sectioning Clips?(The Magic Of Hair Sectioning Clips)

Hair sectioning clips arranged neatly on a styling table

Do you wish to know what is hair sectioning clips? Yes, hair section clips are hair accessories tools that allow you to hold long or small sections of your hair in place while styling your hair.

Before I became a cosmetologist seven years ago, I went on vacation in Toronto and wanted to color my hair.

It was a big problem for me then because I didn’t know hair styling tools to hold sections of my hair until my friend told me about hair section clips.

I have been using hair section clips for the past six years.

Let me show you everything you need to know about hair-sectioning clips

Know what is an alligator clip here

Let get started

What Are Hair Section Clips Called?

There are two names that most people call hair section clips.

I remembered seven years ago, I did not know hair section clips had another name I could call them.

Most people called them hair clips, while others called them hair clamps.

You can use hair clips or clamps to hold hair into different sections.

In addition, you must know hair section long clips have different types like alligator clips, duckbills, and butterfly clips.

Hair clips have different purposes in hairstyling and hold large sections of hair in place while styling hair.

Some hair clips hold small sections of hair in place, and you can also use them to add extension to your hair.

You can create different hairstyles you desire with a hair sectioning clip.

Now that you know different names, you can call hair section clips.

Let’s move on to different hair section clips available to achieve different hairstyles.

Types Of Hair Sectioning Clips

There are different types of hair sectioning clips on the market.

Each type of hair section clip is created for different purposes and features to make styling hair easy for stylers in saloons and individuals at home.

Different hair sectioning clips are helpful for women when blow-drying or straightening their hair.

They are all designed to hold long or short hair In place.

Hair sectioning clips are essential tools every woman needs to hold a section of their hair in place without interfering with the other sections to achieve their desired updos.

Click here to learn what is the meaning of hair pin?

What Are The Different Types Of Hair Sectioning Clips?

Let me show you the types of hair-sectioning clips you need to know.

Alligator clips

Alligator clips are one of the best hair section clips with long and narrow clips with a double hinge and wide opening to secure large sections of hair.

They can hold your hair section when cutting or coloring at home.

One of the finest qualities distinguishing alligator clips from other hair sectioning clips is their grooves on the side to grasp the hair and keep it from slipping away.

The alligator clip is the perfect tool to achieve your desired style because it does not always leave a crease on the hair.

Duck bill clips

Duck bill clips are hair sectioning clips that are important to hold your hair section in place while curling or waving your hair.

They are created with plastic material to generate a long, narrow clip, which you can use to hold a small section of your hair.

Additionally, duck bill clips are perfect tools to secure away hair from the face.

I apply them anytime I want to style my half-up hairstyle.

You must know duck bill clips secure hair by inserting the tip into the hair and then closing the clasp.

For example, duckbill hair clips are smooth, which you can use to hold your straight hair without leaving any crease on your hair.

 Hair Sectioning Claw Clips

Claw clips are one of the best sectioning clips for people with thick hair.

The clip is made of plastic material with strong springs or more claw-like prongs.

I use claw clips to secure my bun or ponytail style.

Furthermore, some women use them for pulling back their hair.

It is critical to understand that claw clips contain hooks on both sides that clip through the hair and clip the hair part in place.

Ensure you have claw clips at home to achieve your bun or ponytail hairstyle without stress.

Claw clips also don’t leave any crease on your hair after using them to style it.

Check here to know how to use bobby pins for hair

Butterfly Clip Hair Sectioning

Butterfly clips are one of the best hair section clips for women who like to decorate and add sparkle or fun to their hair.

Tiny butterfly clips were also popular in the 1990s for pulling small sections of hair from the front and securing them to the crown, creating a cornrow look.

The clips are molded with plastic or metal materials to shape butterfly designs that resemble butterflies.

They can secure large sections of hair and keep thick hair in place.

You can use a Butterfly clip to hold your hair by squeezing both ends together, which locks the teeth into the hair and clips the hair in place.

Ensure to have butterfly clips at home to decorate and add a unique sparkle to your hairstyle.

If you desire to learn about bobby pins. Click here to understand what is the right way to put a bobby pin in your hair?

Barrette Clip Hair Sectioning Clips

Barrette clips are made with plastic or metal to form small, flat clips with a clasp underneath that pops into place to secure the hair.

If you have fine or short hair, the Barrette clip is the best choice for you to choose among the types of hair sectioning clips.

You must know you can use a barrette clip to add elegance and style your hair uniquely to achieve a gorgeous look.

Furthermore, Barrette clips are designed in different colors and sizes to suit your hair length and texture.

In addition, they come in different designs, such as flowers, fabric, animals, or geometric patterns.

I use Barrette clips to take my hair away from my face.

Every woman needs different hair section clips at home for easy access, so choose the one that suits your needs at a time.

Clutch Clip Hair Sectioning

A type of clip that was made famous in the 1980s and then made a comeback in the mid-1990s is the clutch clip.

These plastic hair clips with large teeth twists can secure hair at the back, creating an up-do effect.

Hairdressers typically use clutch clips to keep strands out of the way during a haircut.

Clutch clips are also made of plastic and have a long, thin shape.

Twisting the two ends together secures them, creating a locking mechanism.

You must know clutch clips, also known as banana clips or jaw clips, which you can use to secure a large section of thick hair in place.

Sectioning Wave ClipHair

Wave clips are molded with plastic, which forms a long and thin shape with a wavy design.

You can use the clip to create wavy or curly hair, and you can also use it to secure hair by twisting the two ends together.

They are popular on women’s hair that wear trending hairstyles.

Check here to see how to how to use decorative hair pins?

What Are The Benefits Of Using Hair Sectioning Clips?

There are different benefits you can achieve from using hair sectioning clips.

Hair section clips benefit women with short or long hair; they help you work on a section of the hair as fast as possible without interfering with the other hair sections.

It also helps to avoid tangling or knotting when styling hair.

Furthermore, hair sectioning clips are helpful for hair stylers to know the amount and accuracy of hair they want to style or cut.

Individuals also find hair clips useful at home, holding sections of hair in while coloring their hair.

You can use a hair section clip to enhance your imagination to achieve a unique hairstyle.

In addition, you can use them to create different sections and patterns with your hair.

Hair clip benefits can help you boost your confidence and appearance by decorating your hairstyle.

Also, you can use it to express personality by adding embellishments to customize your hairstyles to your preferences, enabling you to feel good and look beautiful.

Learn how do you use plastic hair pins?

 Why Do We Use Sectioning Clips?

There are many reasons people use hair-sectioning clips.

Hair sectioning clips are essential tools every professional hairstylist or beginner needs to easily style their clients’ hairstyles.

In addition, when you do your hair at home by yourself, you can use hair clips to divide your hair into separate sections, which makes styling your hair at home more manageable for you to achieve.

Most people use hair sectioning clips to achieve a polished hairstyle.

One of the reasons most hair stylers use hair sectioning clips in the saloon is when clients choose intricate hairstyles, they use hair clips to make the job easier to complete on time.

If you want to simplify your hair styling routine, hair section clips are a must-have hair styling tool for you at home.

The hair clip is easy to use and affordable online or in a physical hair accessories store.

You use a clip to achieve a professional hairstyle result.

Know here how to use a French hair pin

Where Can I Buy Hair Sectioning Clips?

There are various options you can use to buy hair section clips.

You can order hair section clips online or buy them at a physical store.

It depends on your preferences choice to choose between the two options.

But if you are the kind of person who is busy at work, ordering your hair section clips online will be the best option for you.

Let me show you two ways you can buy your hair section clips.

Buy hair section clips online: one of the effortless ways to buy hair sectioning clips is to order online.

Ordering your hair clips is very convenient because you have to browse through a wide of hair section clips and choose the best size that suits your hair length.

You can also select the material of the hair clips online; for example, maybe you like plastic or metal hair clips.

Compare the price and reviews of the hair section clips you want.

You can get your hair section easily on your doorstep without going out to stress yourself to a physical store.

Amazon and Walmart are famous internet retailers where you can purchase your hair sectioning clip.

You must know you can also get your hair section clip on other websites based on beauty products and accessories.

Click here to buy the best original hair section clips online.

Buy Hair Section Clips In A Physical Store:

If you are less busy at work and have time to buy hair accessories. Going to a physical store near you can be the best option.

You can look through the physical store and touch the hair clips to see the ones you like in the store.

You can ask advice from the physical store staff if you need help before you choose the beautiful hair clips you want to select for your hair.

Ensure to choose hair section clips color and size that suit your hair.

In addition, different physical stores, such as beauty supply stores and supermarkets, sell hair section clips.

Furthermore, you can also buy hair section clips from salons or barber shops that offer styling and cutting of hair services.

Click on here to see how to use a hairpin to pin hair back without damaging it?


Now that you have learned what is hair sectioning clips.

Please know that hair sectioning clips are made in different sizes to hold your hair while styling.

Furthermore, hair sectioning clips come in various hues, so select one that complements your hair color.

Remember, you can use different hair clips for sectioning your hair, and understand that you can use specific hair section clips to beautify hair.

I already had an existing article about how to use hair section clips.