What Is A Good Routine For Curly Hair?(Secrets To Perfect Curly Hair Routine)

What Is A Good Routine For Curly Hair 1

Do you wish to know what is a good routine for curly hair? Yes! A good routine for curly hair is to wash your curly hair with shampoo and conditioner to moisturize and nourish your curly hair.

When I was a bit younger, I didn’t have a decent hair care routine, and my curly hair was oily and limp.

I was wondering how I could have pretty healthy curly hair.

I later discovered a good curly hair care routine that makes my curly hair look shiny and healthy.

Let me show you my good curly hair care routine.

Know The Best Curly Hairstyles Here

Let’s go.

Good Routine For Curly Hair: How To Compose It?

The cascades of curls are superb, but I can’t deny that it requires a little care if you want excellent volume and pretty bouncy curls!

For this, nothing like developing a new routine to sublimate your curly hair.

Pre-wash care based on vegetable oils to treat in depth, an appropriate shampoo, a detangling conditioner, a mask for intense nutrition, a leave-in to keep hydration, and jelly to perfect the hairstyle!

Step1: The Oil Bath Good Routine For Curly Hair

The oil bath is the pre-poo of choice for curly hair. I know that nourishing your hair well is the number one beauty secret for well-designed curls.

The oil bath is an intense treatment that provides fatty substances to moisturize and fortify deeply. The hair fiber will be invigorated, from the root to the lengths, and the hair will be more supple.

The oil bath also helps protect the hair in anticipation of the shampoo, which is sometimes drying.

Objectively, it’s a step in the routine not to be skipped when you want to take care of your curly hair!

In concrete terms, I recommend several vegetable oils: argan, castor, coconut, olive, and shea butter.

You can also combine several of them to take advantage of their benefits.

There is a genuine interest in choosing your organic oil; it is the assurance of extraction by pressure and cold, without adding preservatives or additives.

To maximize effectiveness, spray water on your hair to open the scales. Detangle and then divide the hair into several sections.

Then apply the oil, strand by strand. Assessing the exact quantity is difficult: the hair must be well impregnated but not flooded either!

Then turbanned the hair with a polyethylene cap, a warm towel, or a Charlotte.

Ideally, proceed in the evening to leave it on all night, but if you cannot, keep in mind that the exposure time must be at least a few hours.   

When the hair is unrolled, it is ready for step number 2!

Step2: Shampoo Good Routine For Curly Hair

Even on a minimalist routine, washing your hair is a must! The first thing is to choose a good shampoo for curly hair.

It seems obvious, but knowing which to take in front of the well-stocked supermarket shelves is difficult.

If you start with a natural routine, use gentle cleansing bases without silicone, sulfate, paraben, or other suspect ingredients.

Another essential element to take into account is the size and shape of the curls

If you have rather undulations, like 2C curly hair, you should not choose a too-rich formula: it could weigh down the whole thing.

On the other hand, with 3A curly hair, one can afford it, and it is even what you need. Then turn to moisturizing and nourishing shampoos for hair fiber.

A well-chosen shampoo will allow you to eliminate dirt and help smooth the cuticles and, therefore, tame frizz.

The other question to ask is also the frequency of shampoos. It largely depends on the texture: you must wash fine curly hair more quickly than thick curly hair.

One wash per week is a good average knowing that you can stretch to ten days when the hair is dehydrated.

On how to do it, nothing differs from straight hair. If you have a large hair mass, separate the hair and shampoo section by section to be sure to wash all the hair.

Finish by taking care of the rinsing to eliminate all shampoo residue.

Step3: Conditioner Good Routine For Curly Hair

It is also a significant gesture, especially for long curly hair. Indeed, the conditioner has several functions.

First, it softens and relaxes the hair, significantly facilitating detangling and preventing breakage.

Thanks to its moisturizing and nourishing active ingredients, it will also tighten the scales of the hair fiber and thus bring a soft and shiny appearance to the hair.

Finally, it forms a sheath around the hair to protect it from external aggressions.

Its application focuses mainly on the lengths, and you take great care to cover the ends, which are often a little more damaged.

Unlike the oil bath or the mask, it is not a deep treatment. Leave it on for two or three minutes, enough to absorb it. Again, rinse carefully.

Step4: The Mask Good Routine For Curly Hair

If you want to nourish your curly hair and get optimal results, add another layer of hydration with a mask.

If you don’t have time or are worried that it will be too much for your hair, you can choose between conditioner and mask.

Depending on the nature of your hair, it may not necessarily need all the steps every time.

Here too, there are many products for curly hair, but you can also turn to homemade recipes.

For example, eggs, avocado, and vegetable oils are rich in lipids and perfect for nourishing hair fiber.

As for natural products, aloe vera works miracles in terms of hydration while not weighing down the hair, thanks to its light texture.

Before applying the mask, wring out your hair well; it must still be damp but more soaked.

Spread the mask all over the hair, emphasizing the split ends. Keep a light hand on the dosage side because excess material can be counterproductive and asphyxiate the hair.

Finally, the exposure time is between 10 and 30 minutes for maximum absorption; after half an hour, there will be little point in letting it sit.

To determine the time, consider the condition of the hair: curly porous hair will need a little more time to assimilate the treatment than curly hair with low porosity.

As for the oil bath, you can wrap the hair: it increases the effect tenfold, and it’s convenient to go about your business during the exposure time! After that, it remains only to rinse with warm water.

Step5. The Leave-In Good Routine For Curly Hair

You are nearing the end step with the leave-in, the care without rinsing! At this stage of the routine, the hair is full of moisturizers.

But if you stop there, the water contained in the hair fiber will evaporate when drying, and the curls will fall back

The job of the leave-in is to retain and seal the hydration to keep curls that hold!

Find the leave-in as cream or hair milk; it’s up to you to see which texture is most appropriate for your hair type knowing that the cream is denser.

Spread a dab of product evenly with your fingers over the damp lengths.

All you have to do is scrunch, that is to say, raise your ends towards the root by creating a spring movement to find your curls.

Then let it air dry.

Step6: Jelly Good Routine For Curly Hair

It’s the final touch to define your curls perfectly! This step should be included in the daily routine when styling.

The jelly is a moisturizing styling agent with an aqueous texture, allowing your hairstyle to hold from morning to evening.

The composition is very different from classic styling gels: here, the formula is alcohol-free and contains a lot of water.

How To Tie Curly Hair To Sleep?

I tie my curls in pineapple mode with an accordion spiral elastic. This little accessory keeps hair curly without damaging the hair fiber.

This way, the curls are protected and won’t rub against the sheets or get caught overnight.

I sleep on a silk (or satin) pillowcase, and this material is known to keep hair and skin hydrated. The hair fiber then remains healthy, and there is less risk of split ends!

How To Reform Your Curls In The Morning?

My morning routine to refresh my curly hair lasts no more than five minutes! I moisten all of my hair with a mist spray then I scrunch with my hands to reform the curls.

 I finish with a cotton t-shirt to absorb excess water. I then let my hair air dry (but you can use a diffuser hair dryer with warm air).

You can add a drop of style cream or gel (straight in the spray or with your hands on damp hair) depending on the demands of your hair.

Do not hesitate to test; it’s the best way to get to know the needs of your curly hair!

Should I wet my curly hair every day?

Hair wetting can help you make your curls even prettier

Another care that can help in the formation and definition of male curly hair curls is capillary wetting.

It is nothing more than applying vegetable oil that helps replenish essential oils and nutrients for well-hydrated, robust, and beautiful hair.

To moisturize male curly hair, apply the oil to the strands and let it act for about 30 minutes.

Afterward, wash them usually! Remember that, in practice; you can use several natural oils in wetting.

The main ones are castor oil, sunflower oil, argan oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.

What every curly hair girl needs when they wake up?

To help them regain their shape and keep it all day, moisturize them with jelly, milk, or spray before sealing the moisture with a light oil, cream, or protective milk.

How to sleep with curly hair?

Preparing your curls to spend the night

Nothing complicated about that! A few minutes before bed, untangle your curls with your fingers or use milk so that they feed on it during the night.

When you wake up, your curls will be softer and less likely to tangle during the day.   

The Secret Key: Silk!

Silk is the secret to perfect curly hair when you wake up! As a scarf to wrap around the head, silk is much less aggressive than cotton on curls. 

It does not rub against the scales of the hair, does not dry it out, and is, therefore, less conducive to the formation of knots.

If you don’t have a silk scarf at home, know that satin is a good alternative!  

Wrap your hair in a silk scarf, tie it in a pineapple bun, and fold it into a triangle.

Wrap it around your head, with the long side towards the nape of the neck, the triangle points towards the top of the bun, then tie it by tying a knot in the front with the ends.


Now that you have learned what is a good routine for curly hair.

Please note that the oil bath protects the hair before the wash.

Objectively, it’s a stage you should not ignore in the routine if you want to care for your curly hair!

Remember, conditioner is also a meaningful gesture, especially for long curly hair.

It softens and relaxes the hair, making detangling easier and reducing damage.

I have an exciting article stating Which Oils Are Best For Curly Hair?
