What Is A Butterfly Clip For Hair(Master The Art Of Elegance With A Butterfly Clip)

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Do you wish to know what is a butterfly clip for hair? Yes! A butterfly clip for hair is an accessory to style or hold hair sections in place.

Gone are the days when I was young and my mom always used butterfly clips to style her hair.

I always wondered what a butterfly clip was, but I later discovered that a butterfly clip is a hairstyling accessory.

Let me show you everything you need to know about butterfly hair clips.

Learn how do you style your hair with a claw clip here

Let’s go

What Is A Butterfly Hair Clasp?

Butterfly hair claps are a 90s hair accessory design for styling and holding hair sections in place without causing discomfort or damage.

In addition, butterfly hair clips resemble butterfly images to beautify different hair types and textures.

They are designed with active, strong springs with two wings, which you can press together to open and close to secure your hair section.

Furthermore, you can use them to secure your hair sections without pulling or snagging your hair.

However, butterfly clips are designed in different colors and shapes, making them the best hair clip for styling kid’s hair.

My kids like using their butterfly clips to secure their hair in place because it makes them look elegant.

Butterfly hair clamps are created with different materials, such as plastic and metal.

Professional hairdressers use butterfly hair clips to decorate their client’s hairstyles with different colors.

Click here to learn what is an alligator hair clip for hair

What Are Butterfly Clips Made Of?

Butterfly clips are made with different materials, such as metal and plastic, to produce a beautiful hair clip for styling hair. Additionally, they can also create them with fabric materials.

Metal butterfly hair clips are strong enough to hold thick hair without slipping away from the hair.

They are more heat and moisture-resistant, making them last longer. In particular, they are less likely to break more than plastic hair clips.

Plastic butterfly hair clips are lightweight and flexible, adding elegance to your hairstyle.

Additionally, plastic material hair clips are made in various designs and shapes to style your desired hairstyles.

They are also made in different colors to suit your hairstyles and outfit for office and events.

However, they are easy to wear and adjust hairstyles at home or in the office. You can use your plastic hair clip to create different hairstyles, for instance, twist, bun, and ponytail.

Moreover, they are widely available in different colors and shapes. In the same way, it is inexpensive in online stores and physical beauty stores.

Fabric butterfly clips are made with embellishment elements such as beads, Crystals, and rhinestones.

Use butterfly hair clips to add a beauty touch to your hairstyles. You can design unique butterfly hair clips with beauty elements to show your personality’s unique appearance.

Make sure to get a high-quality plastic materials hair clip or metal with a strong spring grip to secure coarse hair.

You must know you can use metal and plastic butterfly hair clips to add volume to your hairstyles.

Click here to learn how do you get the perfect claw clip hair

What Are The Benefits Of Using Butterfly Hair Clip

You can get various benefits from using your butterfly clips for hair.

Easy to use hair clip: Butterfly clips are easy for styling hair.

You can easily use them to create your desired hairstyle at home without wasting much time. People who like to wear different hairstyles need butterfly hair clips for their hairstyle routine.

Suitable for securing hair: The butterfly clip is one of the best hair clips I use for securing my hair sections in place.

They are made in different sizes to secure hair sections in place without damaging your hair.

Perfect hair clip for hairstyle: I use a butterfly hair clip to create a unique effect on my hairstyle.

You can use them to decorate your hair and other accessories, such as ribbons and flowers, to create elegant and polished hairstyles.

Click here to know if you can style hair with a claw clip as a beginner.

Benefits for all ages: All ages can use butterfly hair clips to create their desired hairstyle.

Parents and kids can use different sizes of butterfly clips to style hair.

Great for special occasions:

I remember one of the best benefits I discovered from my years of experience that sets butterfly hair clips apart from other hair clips is when you place them in your hair; It looks like a butterfly with its wings open and is beautiful.

I have a transparent butterfly hair clip with marked edges that I wore to my friend’s wedding last month, and it is super pretty to show off in my hairstyle. It is attractive and makes people admire my hairstyle.

Click here to find out if using claw clips daily is okay.

 What Does A Butterfly Clip Usually Hold In Position?

Butterfly hair clips usually hold hair sections in positions.

They are created in different designs and sizes to add flair and fun to your hairstyle.

Make sure to choose the best hair clip color that suits your hair shade to hold your hair sections in position.

However, you can use different butterfly hair clip sizes and designs to create a unique hairstyle.

To demonstrate, if you are one of those people who like to wear twist or bun hairstyles. You can easily use butterfly hair clips to style your desired hairstyles.

Best clip for fun and creativity: Butterfly clips are best for styling and arranging hair; these clips are comfortable and enhance any look and outfit you wear.

For example, if you want to wear your hair loose, use the clip in a half ponytail, take two strands of hair, and hold it with the clip.

In addition, you can use your clip to create sophisticated or classic hairstyles at home. I recommend getting a high-quality butterfly hair clip to hold your hair in position.

Click here to learn what are duckbill hair clips

How Do You Use A Butterfly Clip?

There are different ways you can use a butterfly clip for your hair. However, they are popular hair accessories you can use to create a unique hairstyle.

Follow the steps below to use your butterfly hair clips at home.

Step1: Get your butterfly hair clip available

First, you need a butterfly hair clip that suits your hair type and texture.

Get the right size of hair clip that can secure your hair section.

You can get one butterfly hair clip available or get the different colors you can mix and match to suit your hair color and outfit.

Step 2: Decide your desired hairstyle

You can use butterfly hair clips to create desired hairstyles, such as half-up half-down style.

For instance, you can use them to add volume or create a unique hairstyle with one or more clips.

Step 3: Brush your hair

Now, brush your hair smooth to avoid any tangles or knots on your hair.

You can also spray a little hairspray or gel on your hair to avoid frizz.

Step 4:  curl or straighten

Then, curl your hair or straighten your to add more texture

Step 5: Secure your hair

Finally, secure a section of your curl or straighten hair with a butterfly hair clip by squeezing the two wings together to open your hair clip.

Then, insert your hair clip on your hair gently and release the two wings to secure your hair.

Bonus tips

You can secure your curl or straighten hair based on your personality. You can use one butterfly hair clip to secure your hair.

However, you can use different butterfly hair clip sizes and designs to create a unique hairstyle.

Click here to learn what are some tips for styling my hair with claw clips

Why Were Butterfly Clips Popular?

Most people are wondering when butterfly clips were popular. Butterfly hair clips have been popular since the 1990s when celebrities and TV stars wore them on TV shows.

I remember seeing Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez on a TV show like Clueless and Buffy the Vampire.

Indeed, I remember I saw Sarah Michelle Geller at a red carpet show.

Additionally, most parents buy butterfly clips in bulk in malls and use them to create different hairstyles for their kids, making butterfly hair clips common on kids’ hair back then.

However, butterfly hair clips have become more popular recently, especially in 2020.

Influencers and celebrities on TikTok are bringing back retro trending styles with butterfly hair clips, making the hairstyles fresh and new this year.

Butterfly hair clips are popular on kid’s hair this year. Most kids wear them scattered on their hair, but their parents make sure the hair clips color matches their hair shade and outfits.

So, butterfly hair clips are popular because most influencers and celebrities wear them to achieve unique looks on TV shows and social media.

Individuals can wear different popular butterfly clip hairstyles to special occasions and offices.

Click here to learn why are claw clips so popular now

How To Use A Butterfly Clip With Short Hair

A butterfly clip is one of the best hair clips for creating a hairstyle for your short hair. They quickly add a beautiful touch to your short hair.

You can create different hairstyles with butterfly clips for your short hair.

Follow the step-by-step instructions on creating a ponytail or bun with your short hair.

Step 1: Gather your short hair

First of all, gather your hair into a ponytail or bun

Make sure to comb your hair to avoid knots and tangles.

Step 2: Apply elastic

Secure your ponytail with elastic that complements your hair shade, and position your ponytail at the crown of your head.

Ensure your elastic tightens your ponytail enough to secure your ponytail in place.

Also, ensure your elastic is not too tight for your hair to avoid discomfort and damage.

Step 2: Twist your ponytail

After applying your elastic, hold the ends of your ponytail and twist it clockwise until it forms a tight coil.

Step 3: Hold your Twisted hair

Now, use your left hand to hold your twisted hair and your right hand to press the two wings of your butterfly clip together to secure it.

Step 4: Position your butterfly clip

Finally, position your butterfly hair clip at the base of your ponytail and ensure your clip covers your elastic.

Bonus tips

You can adjust your butterfly clip at different angles to change the effect of your hairstyle.

Click here to learn how to do a claw clip hairstyle

How To Make A Hairstyle With A Butterfly Clip

Original butterfly clips can add a variety of beauty to everyday style.

When choosing a daily hairstyle, please pay special attention to them. And know the best hairstyle that will suit your face.

Butterfly hairstyles are trendy, where butterfly clips play not a practical but only a decorative role.

In this case, they are arranged in a chaotic order and at different levels (this hairstyle looks most advantageous on brunettes). It is important to remember that for short hair, small clip sizes are better.

Click here to learn how do you use a claw clip for beginners

Hairstyles With A Butterfly Clip For Short Hair

Short hair is quite difficult to secure with some types of clips. For a shortened version of hairstyles, butterfly clips and invisible pins can become the best option for creating an elegant look.

Several miniature butterflies look most advantageous on short haircuts,

If you like, you can use butterfly clips to create a hairstyle for your short hair in the same color scheme or indifferent, sometimes contrasting colors.

Hairstyles that emphasize the bangs look very delicate. If the bangs are curly, you should straighten it along the entire length with a straightener and then fixed with one or more butterfly clips.

In addition, if you have long bangs, you can comb it back and fix it with butterfly clips.

Click here to learn how to use the alligator hair section clip

How To Use A Butterfly Clip With Long Hair

Hairstyles with a butterfly clip for long hair can look elegant for individual women; the size of the clips matters.

Large butterfly clips will add a special charm to evening hairstyles; small ones are appropriate in everyday life, especially on solemn occasions.

The trendy, diverse buns decorated with butterflies look incredibly beautiful in the current season.

In this case, you can use a butterfly hair clip to create your desired bun styles.

For example, you can create a half-up, half-down hairstyle with butterfly hair for your long hair.

Follow the below steps to create a half-up half-down hairstyle for your long hair. 

Step 1: Start with clean hair

First, make sure your hair is clean before you start styling your hair.

Ensure to comb your hair with a teeth comb to avoid knots and tangles on your hair.

Step 2: Gather half of your hair

Now, secure half of your long hair with a butterfly clip. You can leave the reaming half loose or style it in your desired hairstyle.

Bonus tip

You can practically create a ponytail hairstyle into a stylish one if you decorate it with butterfly clips.

Hairstyles with a butterfly clip amaze the imagination with a variety of options. Experiment with butterfly clips to create original image hairstyles of yourself.

Click here to confirm if claw clips are still trending


Now that you have learned what is a butterfly clip for hair.

Please do not forget you can use a butterfly hair clip to add beauty to your desired hairstyles.

Remember, butterfly hair claps are easy to style at home without damaging your hair.

Get different butterfly clip sizes to create a unique hairstyle at home.

I have an existing article about how to use bobby pins for hair.