Top-12 Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men(Hair Growth Secrets)

Did you wish to know the top-12 ways to speed up the hair growth of men? Yes! Men can speed up their hair growth by eating healthy food and eating vitamins daily to accelerate growth.

Seven years ago, I was trying to grow my hair out quickly for an important upcoming event and am wondering how to speed up my hair growth.

I later discovered some tips to speed up my hair growth.

Let me show you 12 ways I use to speed up my hair growth.

Know men’s hair care routine at home here.

Let’s delve into it.

What Top-12 Ways To Speed Up Men’s Hair Growth

Now let’s move on to the top-12 ways to speed up the hair growth of men.

And do not forget that for the effectiveness of care measures, it is better to eradicate the causes of the problem.

Top-1: Healthy Food & Vitamins Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

Diet is the first thing that affects the condition of the hair. Down with fatty foods and alcohol.

Include in the daily menu vitamins that accelerate hair growth:

A – Protection of hair follicles from the influence of negative factors, dryness, and brittleness.

You will be helped by: fruits, orange vegetables, meat, fish, and cheese. But do not overdo it – with an excess of vitamin A, the hair quickly runs off the head.

B – Strengthening and accelerating hair growth. You will be helped by: green beans, broccoli, greens, cereals, eggs, nuts, tomato, and beef.

C – Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, the production of collagen, which makes the hair more elastic. You will be helped by: citrus fruits, kiwis, berries, and broccoli.

E – Acceleration of growth and strengthening of the roots. You will be helped by: vegetable oil, eggs, cabbage, and nuts.

K – Shine of healthy hair. You will be helped by: tomato, onion, liver, carrot, parsley, and cabbage.

H – Protection against flaking of the scalp and dandruff. You will be helped by: chicken, cheese, sour cream, cereals, and peas.

Water is an ideal replacement for tea and coffee, which hair loves.

Click here to learn top 15 foods highest in vitamins

Top-2: Active Lifestyle Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

Physical activity, sports, and outdoor walks contrast showers to increase blood circulation and saturate it with oxygen.

The skin and hair follicles eliminate oxygen starvation and delight you with their appearance.

Setting world records in running or lifting the barbell is unnecessary. Small enough, but regular load.

And if you have health problems, you can do yoga – and improve the condition of your hair, and it will become much easier to experience stress.

Top-3: Massage Of The Scalp Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

Blood is the source of nourishment for hair follicles. During circulation, it supplies them with the necessary substances. Massage helps to increase blood flow.

Tilt your head forward. Gently stroke, rub, and twitch the strands with your fingertips. Start at the base of your neck and work your way up.

Linger at the crown, temples, and growth line. You can rub in oils that stimulate hair growth – rosemary or coconut. Just 10 minutes, but daily, will give a good result in a month.

Professional Care Products

It stimulates hair growth; you can find professional care products in the professional line of any brand.

They strengthen well and help to accelerate but do not get rid of the source of the problem.

Keep this in mind, and do not rely only on the contents of bottles and jars.

Top-4: Shampoos Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

Shampoos and balms for weakened, brittle hair from their loss – what you need to build on when choosing.

But one good phrase is not enough. Look for aminexil, anagelin, green coffee, goji berries, extracts of ginseng, ruscus, pepper, and vitamin complexes in the composition.

Top-5: Serum Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

The serum’s active ingredients boost the metabolism of hair follicle cells, promote growth rates, and aid in preventing hair loss.

Using a hair serum is easy – rub a couple of times a week into the skin for short courses.

Choose carefully and read the instructions. There is a serum for different skin types and hair problems. And its use may differ from the use of another.

Top-6: Spray Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

The tool can defeat the effect, but its choice should be scrupulous.

Consult a professional about which spray can accelerate hair growth on your head and which will not work for you.

If the composition contains vitamins A, E, B5, PP, halicin, castor, peach or almond oil, magnesium, copper, zinc, and herbal extracts.

Avoid as part of a polyquaternium. It can cause dry skin and cause seborrhea.

Top-7: Growth Activator Ampoules Ways To Speed Up Hair Growth Of Men

Concentrated products for activating hair growth solve several problems at the same time.

They relieve dryness, and oiliness, give shine, and are prevention against premature gray hair.

As a rule, ampoules contain vitamins, oils, collagen, amino acids, aminexil, and plant extracts.

Rub the product with massage movements into the scalp.

Top-8: Masks Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

Select professional masks that stimulate hair growth according to your skin type and composition.

In complex care, it is better to use products of the same brand – this way, the effect will be maximum.

Burdock, ginger, ginseng, chamomile, and pepper oils have a good effect on the “quickness” of hair. Apply masks to a clean head for a few minutes.

Top-9: Nicotinic Acid For Hair Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

The drug is used in medicine to treat metabolic disorders to compensate for vitamin deficiency.

Nicotinic acid increases the intensity of blood supply to the scalp’s blood vessels, providing follicles with energy for rapid hair growth.

The drug in ampoules is the most effective – the strands are smoothed, shiny, and lengthened.

Top-10: Burdock Oil Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

Strengthening and hair growth can be achieved with masks with warm burdock oil.

You must warm, rub into the scalp, wrap around the head, and wash off after 30 minutes.

Effective, but “with consequences” mask with burdock oil, onion juice, liquid soap, and honey.

Mix the ingredients 1:1, apply on the head, and leave for 2 hours.

But remember that onion juice gives a tail of a specific aroma that is difficult to eliminate. For this purpose, when washing the head, you can add lemon juice to the water.

Top-11: Castor Oil Ways To Speed Up The Hair Growth Of Men

Castor oil is also effective when used warmly. A warm mask increases blood circulation and makes the cells work.

Apply the oil to the head and cover it with a microfiber towel for 2-3 hours, maybe slightly less. After that, wash the hair well.

Top-12: Mustard For Hair Growth Ways To Speed Up Hair Growth Of Men

Mustard masks activate blood flow to the hair follicles. Due to this, you can accelerate the growth of hair in men.

But before using mustard, ensure that the scalp is not irritated by anything; you do not have a dry hair type and are not allergic to mustard components.

To prepare the mask, take one tablespoon of mustard powder, sour cream, and any oil (burdock, sunflower, olive) and add one yolk. Apply on the head for 15-30 minutes.

Beautiful men’s hair is not only a gift of nature. It is the result of a caring attitude to health and hair. To be courageous is to be impeccable!

Causes Of Poor Hair Growth Of Men

Before you attack the counters with modern hair growth products, you need to understand the reason for their slowness.

Sometimes, for a good result, you need to eliminate it. And the reasons can be different – vitamin deficiency, stress, aggressive styling products, an unhealthy lifestyle, and ubiquitous genetics.

Styling Products

The range of products for shaping men’s hairstyles is no less than that of women. All of them are designed for reliable fixation, giving volume and creating the effect of natural hair.

But each jar of gel, paste, and grease has a composition that suits some men and spoils the hair and hairstyle for others.

For example, alcohol, which may contain gels, and varnishes, dries out the skin and hair.

If you use alcohol-containing products for men with thin hair and dry scalp, they can cause brittleness, dullness, and split ends.

Stress And Diseases

During strong experiences and prolonged overwork, hair loses strength and healthy growth rates.

In case of hormonal imbalance, thyroid diseases, and difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract, the strands fade, become brittle, and split ends.

And even if they grow at the right speed, the breaking-off tips will not let you notice it.

Bad Habits Hair Growth Of Men

Strong coffee for waking up, a cup of tea for inspiration, and one for a working mood. How many are there daily?

Caffeine in popular drinks constricts blood vessels and provokes a nutritional deficiency of hair follicles. Hair starts to grow slowly.

Nicotine causes vasospasm, strong alcohol causes body dehydration and significantly reduces men’s hair growth rate.

Click here to know what hairstyles are trendy for men.

How Fast Does Hair Grow In Men?

Hair growth per month for Europeans is approximately 1 cm, as they are pulled out by 0.35 mm daily. Asians can boast of a faster pace.

This process determines by heredity, age, the lifestyle of a man, and even the temperature outside the window.

The heat makes the blood circulation more intense, and the hair grows faster by about 10-20%.

Warming masks have a similar effect. But walking in the winter without a hat for the sake of a beautiful hairstyle is futile. The styling will remain, but the hair will not want to grow.

Promoting men’s hair growth by walking in the winter is a bad idea because the environment wind can tangle or knot your hair, which may lead to hair breakage.

How To Grow Men’s Hair?

A relevant question for guys who want to be in trend is that long hairstyles do not appear in one day (unless you use a wig).

Hair grows long, but the process duration and result can control by some factors.

Genetics: Individuals’ genes determine how rapidly men’s hair grows.

Individuals are born with different hair types because some people inherit thick hair with fast growth from their parents.

Men’s hair grows faster than female hair.

Hair grows the quickest during the ages of fifteen and thirty. 

Legumes and beans are high in protein, silica, Vitamin B, and zinc, all essential minerals for men’s hair growth.

Nutrition is critical for the development and maintenance of good hair

What Is The Product That Makes Hair Grow?

Growth Shampoos are one of the products that make your hair grow.

These are products that contain amino acids to protect and strengthen damaged hair.

In addition, they are improving with other substances that help with growth, such as vitamin A and biotin.  

They also have oils, such as castor oil, which will hydrate and prevent hair loss due to breakage.

Is It Possible To Accelerate Hair Growth?

Yes, it is possible to accelerate hair growth with daily care, such as massaging the scalp.

Choosing a protein- and vitamin-rich diet and combining cosmetic treatment choices are good strategies to stimulate hair development and prevent hair loss.

Why Short Hair Grow Faster?

Hair length has little effect on growth pace, but it may appear to grow faster when cut short.

It is because when you trim your hair, your hair ends will cut off, giving the appearance that the hair is growing faster.

Furthermore, shorter hair is more likely to appear thicker, creating an impression of faster growth.

If you want to grow your hair, you can promote healthy hair growth by eating a balanced diet and avoiding harsh chemicals and heat styling.

Can Water Speed Up Your Hair Growth?

Water hydrates your hair to make it grow.

Hydration is essential for healthy hair and can encourage hair growth. Water is also vital for keeping your scalp healthy and promoting hair growth.

Water contains minerals like iron, zinc, copper, and calcium that benefit hair health.


Now that you have learned the top-12 ways to speed up the hair growth of men.

Before using mustard, ensure your scalp is not irritated, you do not have dry hair, and you are not sensitive to mustard components.

Remember to incorporate healthy foods and vitamins that promote hair development into your diet.

Vitamin Speed promotes hair growth and root strengthening.

Click here to see the best product to speed up your hair growth.

I have an existing article stating what hairstyles are trendy for men? Click here