How Women Can Do Facial Treatment At Home(DIY Facial Treatment For Women)

Do you wish to know how women can do facial treatment at home? Yes, women can do a facial treatment at home by using a cleanser, an exfoliator, and a moisturizer to treat the face.

5years ago, Am unhappy. I didn’t know how to clean the impurities that accumulated during the day on my face, such as pollution and dust. And it makes my face have sebum and dead skin.

I was wondering how to do facial treatment for my face.

I later discovered some steps to do facial treatment that makes my face look beautiful.

Let me show you how I have been doing my facial treatment at home.

Know skincare routine for beginner women here

Let’s go

The Essential Steps Of A Facial Treatment At Home

To renew and prepare your skin,  I created the steps for women to follow for a facial treatment at home.

Every woman must take reasonable care and good relaxation for themselves!

Five Steps To Women Can Do Facial Treatment At Home

Follow the five steps

Step 1: woman cleaning facial treatment at home

Women must cleanse their skin daily, ideally morning and evening, to eliminate impurities. You can use cleansing milk or a foaming cleanser, depending on your needs.

I recommend Cleansing milk to remove makeup from the woman’s face. It also helps eliminate impurities accumulated during the day, such as pollution and dust.

It recommends for all skin types, especially for dehydrated, mature, and sensitive skin.

On the other hand, the foaming cleanser allows a more in-depth cleansing by removing excess sebum, dead skin, and impurities accumulated during the day on a woman’s face.

It recommends for combination, oily or acne-prone skin.

STEP 2: Women TONING LOTION Facial Treatment At Home

Once rinsed, the skin may sometimes feel tight or dry. It is due to the imbalance of its pH. Applying a tonic lotion will restore and preserve the pH balance of the epidermis.

Women need a product that suits their skin type, as tonics suit everyone.

If the lotion does not come with a vaporizer, it is applied to a cotton pad and swiped across the face.

STEP 3: Women EXFOLIATION Facial Treatment At Home

Exfoliation consists of eliminating dead cells on the surface of the epidermis. I recommend women exfoliate once weekly since cell renewal occurs every month.

The cells, when they die, remain on the surface of the skin, and if they don’t come off naturally, they contribute to the appearance of dull, rough skin.

The exfoliation thus makes it possible to refine the texture of women’s skin, smooth the features, and lighten the complexion.

Two types of exfoliants exist on the market: the enzymatic exfoliant (chemical) and the granule exfoliant (mechanical).

The enzymatic exfoliant, which is suitable for all skin types, is often the one recommended. It is notably composed of fruit enzymes that detach dead cells from the epidermis.

Apply the product all over the face and let it act for the time indicated on the product before rinsing with plenty of water.

During the exposure time, you may experience tingling due to the action of the enzymes; this is entirely normal.

When we prefer the more abrasive sensation produced by a textured product called mechanical, apply it all over the face in circular motions, then rinse thoroughly.

Be careful not to choose a product containing too abrasive particles, which can damage more sensitive skin and cause microlesions in the epidermis.

Jojoba is preferred because it is softer and less harmful to the environment.

STEP 4: THE MASK Facial Treatment For Women At Home

Although it neglects sometimes, the mask is an essential part of a woman’s beauty routine that you should perform once a week. 

It contains many active ingredients, restoring vitality and radiance to women’s skin.

It will act as a very effective complement to the products you already use to purify your skin, prolong its radiance, or delay the appearance of the first signs of aging.

Applying a serum or oil to your face before applying the mask makes the active ingredients penetrate even more profound.

Apply the mask thickly over the face and let it act for the time indicated on the product.

STEP 5: Women MOISTURIZER Facial Treatment At Home

The last step of the ritual consists of the application of a moisturizer. Doing it morning and evening is important because this treatment is the basis of healthy skin. 

The cream’s role is to moisturize the epidermis, but it can also treat various problems if chosen correctly.

It also acts as a shield against external aggressions encountered throughout the day.

If you don’t have all these products at home but want to take care of your skin, you can start with a cleanser, an exfoliator, and a moisturizer.

Add the tonic lotion and mask once your routine is well established.

How Can Women Do Facial Treatment Like Professionals?

Face care: 6 professional steps to do at home

Women Facial Treatment For Professionals Step 1: Do A Double Cleanse

Always start by gently cleansing your face (prefer milk or oil) to eliminate SPF agents, oil residues, and pollution accumulated during the day.

Then, bet on a more active cleanser (which contains AHAs and BHAs) to remove dead cells and act in-depth on the pores. Work in circular motions, rinse with lukewarm water, and gently pat dry.

Women Facial Treatment For Professionals Step 2: Exfoliate

It’s the key to achieving a clearer, brighter, fresher complexion.

Choose mechanical, chemical, or enzymatic exfoliation to renew your skin, increase radiance, and allow active ingredients to penetrate deeper.

Women Facial Treatment For Professionals Step 3: Massage

A simple, targeted massage is the best way to improve the circulation of blood and stagnant lymph, release tension, and lift and tone the skin.

It can last 2 or 20 minutes, depending on your time. Use sweeping motions from bottom to top and circular movements.

Never pull the skin or go down. Be sure to maintain firm pressure. Using a gua sha can boost results.

 I also like to turn to micro-current devices to lift and tone the skin and improve the penetration of active ingredients.

Women Facial Treatment For Professionals Step 4: Make A Mask

If you have time to add an extra step to your routine, this should be it. Make a mask infused with vital nutrients for the skin with minimal effort.

Concentrate on what your skin requires, or mix and match to meet your needs at once. Apply evenly to the entire face and neck with your fingertips.

Allow for 15 to 20 minutes of penetration before rinsing with lukewarm water.

My favorite masks are frequently made with ingredients from my kitchen.

Honey is an excellent emollient, repairer, and antibacterial. I mix it with avocado and cocoa to fill in on antioxidants and essential fatty acids.

Women Facial Treatment For Professionals Step 5: Use A Mist And Serum

Although not entirely necessary, hydrating mists effectively hydrate and replenish the skin. I prefer plain rose water.

Then, squeeze a few drops of your favorite serum onto the face and neck.

Women Facial Treatment For Professionals Step 6:  Shield Skin With Shield Cream Or Oil

Finish your homemade protocol with a nourishing cream or oil that will retain the antioxidants and active ingredients you have just infused into your skin.

If you haven’t had time to do a massage before, now is the time to combine the two!

Warm the product between your hands and work from bottom to top and from the center outwards to add more lift and tone to your face.

How To Care For Women’s Facial Dry Skin At Home

Woman Dry Skin: A moisturizing cream with a rich texture is essential to bring comfort to the skin throughout the day.

In the evening, you can turn to a lipid-replenishing oil to help recreate the skin barrier. I opt for an ultra-gentle exfoliation once a week maximum, followed by a moisturizing mask.

How To Do Treatment For Women Facial Combination Skin At Home

Woman Combination skin: The “ multi-masking” method is interesting to meet the combination skin needs.

For example, apply a purifying brand on the chin and nose, a moisturizing mask on the cheekbones, and a firming mask on the forehead.

How To Care For Women’s Facial Sensitive Skin At Home

Woman Sensitive Skin: After cleansing the face and just before applying the serum, mist with thermal water to relieve redness and tightness.

I prefer a gentle cleanser, and I apply a soothing mask as regularly as the need arises.

How To Care For Women’s Facial Acne-prone Skin At Home

Woman Acne-prone skin: To fight against pimples, formulas based on anti-blemish active ingredients and acids (AHA, BHA, tea tree essential oil, etc.) are preferred.

You should consult a dermatologist to find a suitable beauty routine if you have severe acne.

How Can Women Change Face Skincare Routine At 40ages

At this age, you will notice a decrease in dermal density. The skin is thinner, less toned, and sags.

It has a direct impact on the shape of the face’s oval as well as the shape of the eyelids.

At age 40, expression lines deepen and become more visible, particularly those on the brow, crow’s feet, and nasolabial folds.

What Skincare Treatment Can Women At 40age Adopt At Home

New skincare habits to adopt at 40age

Step1: Apply a serum

Impossible to miss this product that repairs, lifts, illuminates, and protects the skin. Apply morning and evening for optimal results.

Active ingredients to bet on: protective antioxidants, such as vitamin E or spirulina, and plumping hyaluronic acid.

Step2: Hydrate your eye contour

You can bet on a treatment designed for using your face cream.

The important thing is not to neglect this area where the skin is much thinner than that of the rest of the face.

Step3: Adopt a specific night cream

Much richer in moisturizing and repairing active ingredients, it compensates for losing water from the skin, which is inevitable during the night.

Indeed, the cell repair process (the peak between 11 a.m. and 2 a.m.) leads to severe dehydration of the epidermis.

Another option: apply a night mask once or twice a week after performing a peeling or exfoliation.

Step4: Gently exfoliate

Use an enzymatic or grain scrub once or twice weekly to activate cell renewal and boost your skin’s radiance.

If you opt for mechanical exfoliation, apply it only to damp skin to avoid sensitizing the tissues.

Step5: Take the time to massage your face

Apply your day and night care using upward movements with the flats of your hands. Then make circles around the eyes and the mouth to activate the micro-circulation.

These gestures can boost the effectiveness of your treatments and smooth your features.


Now that you have learned how women can do facial treatment at home.

Please always ensure you exfoliate once a week because cell renewal occurs monthly.

When cells die, they remain on the skin’s surface, and if they don’t fall off naturally, they contribute to the appearance of dull, rough skin.

Remember, exfoliation allows you to refine the texture of women’s skin, smooth the features, and lighten the complexion.

I have an exciting article stating women’s beauty tips and tricks routine for skincare