How To Wash Your Face To Look Beautiful(The Science Of Clean Face)

How To Speed Up Your Hair Growth Easily At Home 1

Do you wish to know how to wash your face to look beautiful? Yes, you can wash your face by removing all traces of makeup and adequately cleansing your face.

When I was 23 years old, I struggled to eliminate oiliness and dehydrated skin on my face.

I was wondering how I could wash my face to look beautiful. I later discovered how to wash and clean my face to look beautiful.

Let me show you how I have been washing my face to look beautiful for the past ten years.

Know Natural Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin here.

Let’s get into it

How To Choose Products To Wash Your Face?

Pay attention to your skin type and choose products that benefit your health.

  • Oily skin

Oily skin produces more sebum and is, therefore, conducive to the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

The ideal way to wash your face correctly is to invest in products that have a gel base and are oil-free in their composition. Do deeper cleanings with suitable lotions and invest in cold water.

Regarding makeup, compact powder is your best ally to control shine. The translucent version is the best.

  • Dry skin

Dry skin is more fragile skin, which tends to flake and cause the feeling of being tugged. Its skin is more vulnerable to wrinkles and expression marks, so invest in anti-aging products.

Hydration is also essential, as is nutrition. Use sunscreen, prefer liquid soap, and look for products that contain more oil than water in their composition.

Those with combination skin carry two textures: in the T-zone of the face, which covers the forehead, nose, and chin, the skin is oily, while the rest of the face tends to flake.

The best solution is to moisturize your face and avoid oil-based products. Gel products guarantee good results for this type of skin.

Bonus tip: regardless of your skin type, maintaining some health care will be just as beneficial as investing in external care. Cultivate the habit of drinking water; after all, 64% of your skin has this element.

Also, keep a balanced and low-sugar diet. Including tomatoes, carrots, yogurt, avocados, and flaxseeds in your diet will be great for your skin!

A Step-By-Step Guide To Wash Your Face To Look Beautiful

To maintain beautiful and healthy skin.

It is essential to take care of it, requiring a suitable cleansing twice daily. I recommend washing your face morning and evening.

1st step: remove makeup

Wash your hands

If you have bacteria on your hands, they will get to your face – that’s why you must start by washing your hands first.

Regardless of the nature of your skin, normal, combination, dry or oily, makeup removal is essential.

Balms, micellar waters, or cleansing oils are excellent options to remove all traces of makeup, even waterproof products.

Oily products remove excess fatty residues without attacking the hydrolipidic film.

You can apply the cleansing oil directly on the face, starting with the eyes, massage your fingertips in circular movements, and do not forget to rub your eyelashes.

Then remove makeup from the rest of the face, using your fingers or a cotton ball, depending on the option chosen.

2nd Step: Cleanse Your Face Skin

How you should cleanse your skin depends on the stage of makeup removal. You can cleanse your skin if you don’t wear makeup.

If you like vegetable oil or makeup remover oil to remove all traces of makeup, you can continue cleaning your skin with a tonic lotion that eliminates greasy residue.

If you prefer micellar water as a makeup remover, thermal water is perfect for cleaning your skin afterward. It removes the last residues of makeup and the surfactants in micellar water.

If you prefer to remove your makeup with cleansing milk or lotion, the light-foaming cleanser is perfect for cleansing the skin.

To cleanse your skin, you can use a cotton pad, your fingers, or a Konjac sponge; the rule is always to choose gentle cleansing products

If your skin is a combination oily, insist on the T zone of the face, forehead, nose, and chin. Cleanse without attacking; a gentle cleanser such as a purifying hydrosol can be adapted.

If your skin is dry, choose cleansing oils. As for mature skin, they can turn to micellar water or floral water.

Cleaning always ends with a good rinse: rinse thoroughly with clear, cold water, always gently, and use a clean towel to pat your face and dry it gently.

3rd Step: Apply Care According To Your face Skin Type

Hydration is essential to preserve the protective film of the skin.

You can combine lotions or serums with oily skin; dry or atopic skin will prefer creamy textures and nourishing products such as creams, lotions, or milk.

To properly apply the product, it penetrates by a delicate massage and circular movements.

Occasionally, you can offer your face more in-depth care, such as exfoliation or applying masks. Chemical, enzymatic or mechanical, choose the exfoliation according to your skin type.

 Masks can hydrate, exfoliate, nourish skin, or tighten pores. Treatments in clinics or institutes, such as HydraFacial, can complete skin care and deeply cleanse the epidermis.

More tips for taking care of your skin

Do not sleep with cosmetics (makeup, creams) on your skin, except for creams with a night effect.

Use astringent toner after washing your skin. It’s great for removing impurities that didn’t come out with water and soap.

Do not use body creams on your face. And that goes for sunscreen. Facial skin calls for softer, less oily products.

Spray thermal water once or twice throughout the day on the skin. It hydrates and refreshes without weighing it down.

Use a primer before doing makeup. It helps to close and minimize skin pores.

Why Is It So Important To Cleanse Your Skin Every Day?

The skin is the first protective barrier of the body; it hosts many beneficial bacteria that protect us from many aggressors, such as viruses, parasites, and harmful bacteria.

 The skin on our faces is often exposed and abused.

Our skin is not insensitive to its environment: pollution, makeup, dirt, dust, excess cream, cold wind, and scorching sun can lead to imperfections, redness, and a dull complexion.

These external aggressions are not the only ones to affect the skin’s beauty. The skin, a living organ, also produces waste, such as sweat, sebum, dead cells, and toxins.

Not eliminated, this waste marks the face: the epidermis loses its radiance, the skin texture is less refined, the complexion becomes dull, and excess sebum and imperfections can become more frequent.

All these aggressions alter the quality of the skin and accelerate skin aging.

Cleansing your face is a simple and effective way to prevent blemishes by avoiding accumulating all kinds of residue on the face.

Clean and cleansed, the skin breathes and better absorbs topical care, moisturizing creams, nourishing care, or treatment products.

Makeup also appreciates cleansed skin; it tends to stay on better on clean skin.

Remember to remove makeup properly and thoroughly cleanse your skin if you wear makeup regularly.

This step frees the epidermis from perspiration traces, eliminating dead skin cells and excess sebum.

We take the time to adopt the right gestures for the cleaning ritual to execute appropriately.

When Should You Cleanse Your Skin?

To properly cleanse your face, you adapt your gestures to your skin’s needs and lifestyle.

Remember to do a good cleaning daily, morning and evening. The objective is to eliminate all impurities, toxins, and sebum deposited on the skin’s surface.

Cleansing must respect the hydrolipidic film, a fragile barrier that protects the epidermis against attacks.

How  to clean your face first thing in the morning

Morning cleansing eliminates toxins and sebum accumulated at night, gently waking up the skin for a fresh complexion all day.

 A light cleaning may suffice in the morning; using a mild, alcohol-free tonic lotion is enough to eliminate traces of sweat and possibly excess sebum that would have accumulated during the night.

To do this, soak a reusable cotton pad with the tonic adapted to your skin type and then pass it over the entire face without rubbing and avoiding the eye area.

 However, I recommend washing your face with a mild cleanser if you’ve been working out.

How to clean your face in the evening

In the evening, the skin requires deep cleansing to regenerate better during sleep and be more receptive to the treatments afterward.

So carry out a double cleansing: start with a gentle make- up remover with a lipophilic texture to free the skin of all greasy residues (makeup, sunscreen, sebum, etc.) and complete this step with a gentle face cleanser adapted to the texture.

Hydrophilic without sulfates, soap, and with a pH similar to the skin (around 5) to eliminate all the dry impurities lodged in depth (sweat, dust, pollutants, etc.).

To complete the makeup removal and skin cleansing steps, I recommend tonic lotion to rebalance the skin’s pH.

Washing Your Face: The Mistakes We All Make

Using an overly aggressive cleaner

Facial skin is thin and fragile; it is essential to respect its sensitivity so as not to harm it.

If you’re used to using soap to wash your face, be aware that it can dry your skin.

Instead, opt for a cleansing treatment specially designed for your face and suited to your skin type, as it will help you solve your skin problems (excess sebum, dry skin, etc.).

Wash your face too quickly

For cleaning to be effective, the product must be well applied and have time to act, so it is necessary to take the time to emulsify it well in all areas of the face before rinsing to rid the skin of impurities.

Confusing makeup removal with cleansing

Is one of the most common mistakes makeup fans make. If you wear makeup, removing makeup from your skin before cleansing is essential.

Facial cleansers can complete makeup removal but cannot replace it.

Wash your face in the shower

Even if this reflex seems wise to save time, it is not recommended because you risk washing your skin with water that is too hot for this.

The skin on your face is more fragile than the skin on your body, which supports a higher temperature.

Be careful; washing your face with boiling water can damage your skin and cause dryness and irritation.

Dry skin afterward

Once the cleaning is complete correctly, you must end the ritual by gently drying the skin with a soft towel.

Should I Use Cold Or Hot Water For Face?

When the weather cools down, does the water temperature rise? Wrong! The ideal is always to wash your face with cold water.

Cold water tremendously revitalizes your skin, closing the pores and preventing you from having an oily face throughout the day.

Hot water strips your skin of its healthy natural oils and strips it of its health. Opt for cold water in the bath and when washing your hair.

Is washing your face 3 times a day good for you?

It is not good to wash your face three times a day. It doesn’t matter if your skin is oily or dry.

You must wash your face twice daily, morning and night.

More than that, the skin’s sebaceous glands are overloaded and produce more sebum, leaving the skin oily. Therefore, washing often is not recommended for those with oily skin.

Can I Wash My Face With Soap?

Do you get in the shower, and while you soap your body, do you rub it on your face too? So it’s time to rethink this habit.

By not opting for specific formulas for your face and using body soap on your face, you may end up irritating the skin on your face.

Most body soaps are very aggressive – almost all have sulfates and a pH that is very different from our skin, and this ends up being very irritating for the skin of the face.

Which is much more delicate, as they can attack your skin barrier directly. It can even be bad for the eye area.

What should I put on my face before bed at night?

Ideally, you should use a makeup remover and remove all makeup before washing. It guarantees that you will sleep with clean skin and that no cosmetic residue will be left.

I use a makeup remover on my face before bed at night for the more sensitive eyes.


Now that you know how to wash your face to look beautiful

Remember the importance of removing makeup with a makeup remover before cleaning, as soap does not necessarily eliminate all traces of mascara, foundation, or eyeliner,

Use a little specific makeup remover on cotton to remove everything from the skin before going to the ideal soap for your skin.

The health and beauty of your skin face directly depend on this care. 

Click here to see the best cleanser to clean your face. Here is what I recommend.

But I have an exciting article stating makeup to look younger.