How To Use Hair Pins? (Hair Pin Magic: Elevate Your Look With Pro Styling Tips)

A close-up view of various hairpins arranged neatly

Do you wish to know how to use hair pins? Yes! You can use hair pins to style and secure your hair effortlessly by inserting the pin into your hair.

I remember the first time I intended to use hair pin was when I was young.

 It was challenging because I had no experience using a hair pin.

I later learned different ways to use hair pins when I became a cosmetologist.

Let me show you how I have used hair pins to secure and style my hairstyles for the past 8years.

Click here to Know are hair pins bad for hair.

Let’s go

What Are Ways To Use The Hair Pin?

From my personal experience, I discovered there are different ways you can use hair pins, such as styling or holding your hair in place.

Hair pins are great tools to support all kinds of hairstyles.

They help to give your pontail a neat appearance and disguise your bangs.

In addition, it helps you on a bad hair day.

The benefit of hair pins makes them a value tools, which makes them popular in trendy hairstyles.

However, hair pins can work wonders on different hairstyles and need some techniques to avoid hair damage.

Using hairpins without the small piece of plastic at the end is completely useless.

The pin loses a significant portion of its holding efficiency, and the exposed metal can pull and damage the hair.

So, when this situation occurs, you can get rid of your hairpin.

Click here to know more about what is the meaning of hair pins.

How To Use Hairpins For Hairstyles

There are many hairstyles you can use a hair pin to achieve; the choice will only depend on your mood on the day!

For example, I use the invisible hair pin to create a low bun.

The braided bun is romantic, delicate, and sophisticated, and it is fashionable to build a braid headband.

Let me show you the tips I use to create a romantic and delicate braided bun style with hair pin.

Tip1: Style your braid

Create your choice of braid, such as French braid or fishtail braid.

Tip2: Do a braid headband

You can create a braid headband by following the simple instructions below.

After creating your braid, braid a portion of your hair from the front of your head and fix it with bobby pins.

Wrap the braid around your head and fix it with hairpins to make it flawless.

Tip3: Make your braid headband hairstyle unique

Add decoration accessories to your hairstyle, such as flowers, pearls, or other beads, to make your braid headband unique.

Tip4: Apply hairspray on your braid headband

To make your braid hold perfectly, spray a bit of solid hairspray to keep your braid headband in place.

Click here to learn how do you use plastic hair pins.

Hairpin for straightforward hairstyle

You can use the hair pin for straightforward hairstyles like the one I will teach you below!

To create this hairstyle, separate a small section of your hair on each side, bring the two back, and join their ends at the top. Secure it with two bobby pins.

Then, to form a closed triangle, add a third bobby pin to hold the loose part of the locks.

In addition, ensure to twist the booby pin securely to join them.

If you want to know how you style bobby pins with hairstyle, click here.

Fake Short Hairstyle With Hair Pin

One of the most daring hairstyles I discovered to do with a bobby pin is the faux short, which looks like you have cut your strands away.

I remember discovering how to use bobby pin to achieve faux short hairstyle a month after becoming a cosmetologist.

To make the faux short, part your hair in the middle and secure in two low-back ponytails.

It would help if you placed the elastics at the desired height.

Then, please take one of the locks and wrap the strands inwards, going up the end of the elastic and then camouflaging it behind the hair.

Then, secure the hair roller with the inside bobby pin so they do not show.

Do the same on the other section of hair, apply hairspray, and enjoy your new look!

How to hide hair pins in the hair?

You can hide hairpins in the hair very quickly. Just tuck the curled side down, making it hidden in your hair.

These hairpins can help your strands stay in place so your hairstyle lasts longer.

How To Insert Hair Pin Correctly?

I have an easy step I always use to insert my hairpins into my hairstyles without damaging them.

You have to follow my simple steps to insert your hair pin correctly and achieve a beautiful look with a hairpin.


Firstly, you must choose the right size of hair pin for your hair size and texture.


Choose a large hair pin for your long or thick hair, but if you have short hair, choose a small one that suits your hair.


Look for the angle pointing toward your scalp, which allows the lock insertion.


Push gently and then perform a slight wavy movement until the wavy side of the hair is flush against your hair scalp.


Twist the hair pin slightly, allowing you to lock the hair stably.


Repeat steps 1 to 5 as many times as necessary to obtain the desired hairdo.

How To Insert Hair Pins Base On The Hairstyle

Let me also show you the different ways I insert hair pins based on the hairstyle I want to achieve.

Follow my tips to insert your hair pins on your hairstyle easily.

If you style your hair ponytail, make sure to insert your hair pin horizontally into your ponytail hair.

It will help you to secure your hairstyle in place perfectly.

The next hairstyle is a bun; if you style your hair bun hairstyle, insert your hair pin vertically to secure your bun in place without any flyaway.

Insert your hair pin horizontally if you style your hair braid. It makes your hairstyle hold perfectly.

Ensure to insert your hair pin vertically on the side of your hair; if you style your hair side part hairstyle, the hair pin will keep your side part hairstyle in place.

 If you style your hair bangs, insert your hair pins on your forehead to keep your bangs out of your face.

It is essential to secure your hairstyle with high-quality hair pins that won’t bend easily.

A cheap hairpin made with bad materials can bend or break unnecessarily, damaging your hair.

Don’t force hair pins into your hairstyle because too-tension of hair pins can cause hair breakage.

You can use high-quality hair pins to create a hairstyle that will last on your hair throughout the day.

What Are Hairpins Mistakes To Avoid

I have discovered most mistakes most beginners make when using hair pins, and I also make some related mistakes on the first day I intend to use hair pins.

To have a good hairstyle with hair pins, you should avoid three mistakes when using hairpins at home or in saloons.

Mistake 1:Arrange the shorter side upwards.

Turning the longer part of the hairpin downwards is instinctive, while the right thing is precisely the opposite.

Why? The answer is straightforward: in this way, the longer part can collect and keep the lock at bay from above, which will remain more still.

While from below, it would have no use. We do it because the longest part acts as a guide, and we are convinced of taking more hair, which, as I will tell you now, does not help your hairstyle!

Ensure always to insert the short side of your hair pin downside while the long side should be upward to achieve perfect secure hair.

Mistake 2: Spreading the hairpin too much.

Spreading the hiarpin too much before inserting it in your hair is another mistake that compromises your hairstyle’s success.

Given its narrow shape, you must know that the more you try to widen the hairpin, the more it will slip away.

Mistake 3: Hairpins-open

If you need to take a more significant amount of hair, it is better to use large and wavy hairpins, perfect for wavy or curly hair or to create fluffy chignons.

Check here to know how to use a French hair pin.

Can I Use Hairpins On Wet Hair

Using a hair pin on wet hair is generally not recommended because it can damage your hair.

I remember the day I used hair pin when I was a beginner in using hair pin, I discovered it was less effective and caused indents on my hair.

Allowing your hair to dry in a certain hairstyle will enable you to obtain the correct form, fold, or curls.

The waves formed by letting the hair dry and styled in a braid have proven this to us several times.

Nevertheless, putting this technique into practice using hairpins on wet hair is a very bad idea. Indeed, they can leave minor horizontal marks on your hair.

You can opt for an alternative hair pin made with fabric, such as a hair tie or scrunchie made with material to hold your hair in place while wet.

Ensure to avoid using a hairpin on your wet hair because it can cause hair damage on your hair.

In addition, applying a hair pin made with metal on wet hair can cause hair pin weight, pull your hair down, and lead your hair to damage.

I recommend you wait until your hair is dry before using a metal hair pin on your wet hair.

But if you use a hairpin on your wet hair, ensure you don’t allow it to take too long before removing it.

Is It Good To Overload Hair With Hair Pins

The gap between the two metal ends of the hairpins is designed to hold a specific volume of hair strands effectively.

I can’t forget the day I overloaded my hair with my hair pin and discovered that overloading the hair pins will only widen them and make them ineffective.

If you want to use them to fix a large portion of your hairstyle, don’t hesitate to use several and space them out.

Remember that to use your hairpins correctly, you must place the wavy side facing your scalp – the grooves are meant to catch your hair and hold your hairstyle in place.

To prevent your hairpins from slipping, spray them with dry shampoo or hair spray before using them.

To quickly pull your bangs back, braid them on the top of your head and hold them in place with two hairpins.

Can I use hairpins on long hair or with a lot of hair volume

If you have long hair with a lot of volume, you will need more large hairpins than if your hair is short or with little volume.

How Do You Tie Hair With A Hair Pin And Elastic?

The hair pin is also a great accessory to boost your ponytail to stay high and tight.

I use simple tips to secure the ponytail high with the elastic and then vertically position two bobby pins attached to the elastic at the bottom of the hairstyle.

To finish, hide the accessories by wrapping a section of the underside of the ponytail around the elastic band.

See how to use a hairpin to pin hair back without damaging it here.

Should I leave my hairpins visible or invisible?

Yes! Leaving your hair pins visible or invisible will depend on the hairstyle you want to achieve.

You can leave your hair pins visible if you want to show up your decorations hair pins.

For example, I leave my hair pins visible whenever I wear a hairstyle, such as a messy bun with bobby pins sticking out or a Mohawk with bobby pins.

There was a time when women always hid hair pins, but for some years now, hairstyle trends have shown them shamelessly; in fact, some models today have ornaments by way of pins.


Now that you have learned how to use hair pins.

Please be aware that you must use hair pins correctly; to get the most out of them.

Ensure to use high-quality hair pins on your hairstyle to achieve a neat appearance.

Remember to avoid using low-quality hair pins on your hair, which can cause hair damage.

You can use hair pins to secure unruly hair from hairstyles without restarting.

From my eight years of experience, I discovered the more you use your hair pin, the more you have experience with using your hair pin.

Click here to learn more about how to use decorative hair pins.