How To Use A Hairpin To Pin Hair Back Without Damaging It?(Expert Damage-Free Styling Tips)

Woman using a hairpin to gently pin her hair back.

Do you wish to know how do you pin your hair back without damaging it? Yes! You can pin your hair back without damage by getting a high-quality hairpin suitable for your hairstyle and combing your hair to avoid tangle; style your hair back and pin with the right hairpin.

When I was young, my mom used to help me pin my hair back without damage, and I wondered how she did it.

Now that I am an adult, I discovered how to use a hairpin to pin my hair back without damage.

Let me show you how I have been pinning my hair back without damage for the past seven years.

Click here to know are hair pin bad for your hair

Let’s go

Four steps I use to Pin Hair Back Without Damaging It

The first step I always take is to get a high-quality hairpin made of smooth materials such as metal or plastic with round edges.

I recommend you always avoid hairpins with sharp edges or rough surfaces because they can cause friction and breakage on your hair.

The second step is combing my hair with high-quality wide-toothed or detangling.

Combining my hair with wide-toothed or detangling before using hair pins allows my hairpin to insert easily and secure my hairstyle better.

I recommend you comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb or detangling brush gently before using hair pins because using hair pins on tangled hair can pull your hair and lead your hair to damage.

You must know you can add leave-in conditional or detangle spray to add moisture to your hair, making it easier to comb through tangled.

Ensure to detangle your hair from the bottom and work your way to the root of your hair gently before going to the next steps.

The third step is I style my hair back.

I style my hair back before I apply hairpins to achieve my desired hairstyle.

I recommend you style your hair back to create any hairstyle you desire.

The fourth step is inserting my hair pins gently to avoid pulling and snagging my hair.

I slide my hairpin slowly and smoothly to catch my small section of hair without pulling or struggling excessively.

When I want to remove hairpins from my hair, I continuously remove them carefully to prevent hair breakage.

I recommend you be patient when removing your hair pins; ensure to remove your hairpin gently to avoid hair breakage.

My Tips For Pinning My Hair Back With Hair Pins Without Hair Damage


My first tip is to avoid pulling my hair too tightly, and I don’t secure my hair with extremely tight pins. Because I know excessive tension can cause stress on my hair leading to hair breakage.

I always use a secure hold that feels comfortable and doesn’t strain my hair.


My second tip is to distribute my pin placement throughout my hair rather than concentrating it on one section, which can cause hair breakage.

One of the best tips I use to reduce tension from a specific section of my hair is to spread my pin placement across my hair.

And it is also a good idea I use to alternate the placement of pins I use on different days to prevent overuse of the same area.


I always choose suitable pins depending on the hairstyle I want to do.

Choosing the correct pins for hairstyle is one of the excellent ways to look gorgeous with hairstyle.

For example, I always use bobby pins to hold small sections of my hair because bobby pins are versatile and work well for securing small sections of hair.

I use hairpins, sticks, or forks to hold my more extensive hair section or updos.

Tips 4

My fourth tip is for when I want to pin my hair back without damaging it.

I always consider using protective styling techniques such as lightly braiding or twisting my hair before securing it with pins.

It helps distribute the tension and minimizes direct contact between hairpins and my hair.

Tips 5

My last hint is always to rest my hair from hairpins and other accessories.

I give my hair a break to rest and breathe, especially overnight or during periods of extended wear.

I also always embrace loose hairstyle that doesn’t require hairpins daily.

Can You Reuse Hair Pins To Pin Back Your Hair Without Damage?

Yes, you can reuse hair pins several times without affecting your hair. Their longevity and usability always depend on various factors.

The quality of hairpins, how well you cared for them, and the materials it made of can determine your hairpin’s longevity.

You can reuse your hairpins numerous times, and you must know that high-quality hairpins made from metal or sturdy plastic tend to have a longer life span.

Let me show you the guideline I use to reuse my hair pins effectively.

I always first check the condition of my hair clips to see if it has any sign of damage, such as a bend or misshapen edges.

If I notice my hairpins are damaged, I will discard them and replace them with a new set of high-quality hairpins to ensure they work effectively without causing my hair damage.

The second trick I always use in my guideline is hairpin cleanliness.

You see, keeping your hairpins clean always is essential for their longevity.

After each use, I continuously remove any hair or product residue from my hair pins to prevent buildup.

I always use a damp cloth or warm water to clean my hairpins.

I usually dry my hair pins thoroughly before storing them to prevent rust and corrosion.

Now proper storage helps to prolong the life span of hairpins. I always keep them dry, although I prefer a container or pouch where my hair pins won’t damage or tangle.

It is essential always to avoid storing them in a humid, damp environment because it can lead to rust or deterioration.

What Can Improper Use Of Hairpins Can Cause On Pining Back Hair?

Improper use of hairpins can result in scalp injuries making the hair more brittle.

Here are tips to minimize the bad effects of hairpins that you can do.

Hair clips are one type of hair accessories that can raise the beauty level of a woman’s head.

Functionally, hair clips are also helpful for holding hair or bangs so they don’t cover the eyes so that your vision is not disturbed.

However, using the wrong hair clip can result in hair damage, you know.

For example, hair clips made of metal, aka iron, have an excellent opportunity to scratch the scalp because of their sharp edges.

In addition, if you use hair pins too tightly, it can make hair brittle and fall out easily.

For those of you who frequently use this hair accessory, it’s a good idea to follow the tips for using safe hairpins so that your hair stays healthy and looks good at the same time.

What Are The Side Effects Of Using Hairpins To Pin Hair Or Wig

In practice, hair pins are not just small accessories with glitter or bead attachments that can enhance the outer appearance of your hair.

 Hair clips are also often used to install wigs or hair extensions.

Most people choose wigs with hairpins because the installation is practical, easy, and people can do it with essential beauty skills; you can also adjust it according to the length of your hair.

However, please don’t use a wig for too long because it has the potential to break hair and make it more brittle.

Therefore, removing the hairpins from your wig is highly recommended before bed.

I always remove my hairpins from my wig before bed to avoid hair breakage.

Removing it must also be done slowly and not by pulling your hair so that your original hair does not fall out and get damaged.

Some users of wigs attached to hairpins can also experience itching of the scalp and contact dermatitis.

Ensure to stop using these hairpins if you notice signs of hair loss, such as:

Pain resulting from hairpins pulling on natural hair.

Pain like stinging on the scalp.

The scalp becomes dry and crusty.

What Are The Tips For Using Hairpins Safely

Improper use of hairpins can cause hair damage, and you can also minimize it in several ways, such as:

Use bobby pins with silicone or rubber tips so they don’t feel sharp and are less likely to injure your scalp.

Remove hair clips before you sleep. Falling asleep with pinched hair can make your strands more brittle and your scalp prone to injury.

If you use bobby pins to curl your hair, don’t blow them too long with the hair dryer.

Hairpins made of iron will store heat that persists even after you turn the hairdryer off, so hair can be damaged and dry and look cr,acked.

Hair Care Damaged By Using Hairpins

If your hair is already damaged, you should stop using hair clips for a while and take steps to restore hair.

Tips to restore hair to be healthy, for example:

Wash your hair every other day using a mild shampoo, followed by conditioner.

As much as possible, let your hair dry on its own (without a hair dryer) before using bobby pins.

Ensure the bobby pins are not rusty or chipped, which can pull hair and cause hair loss.

Balance it with healthy food consumption to maintain the scalp from the inside.

In general, hairpins are used to beautify hair. But make sure you use it correctly so your hair stays healthy and your scalp doesn’t hurt.


Now that you have learned how do you use a hairpin to pin hair back without damaging it.

Please do not forget to avoid low-quality hairpins, as they can easily cause hair damage.

Ensure to prevent hair damage by using high-quality hair pins made of smooth materials to avoid hair breakage.

Always insert your hairpin gently and remove it slowly to prevent hair breakage.

Remember not to sleep with your hairpin to avoid restless sleep; always remove all hairpins you insert on your hair before bed.

I also have an existing article stating what are hair pins good for?