How To Strengthen Natural Hair With Remedies(Say Goodbye To Breakage)

Natural hair strengthening remedies to say goodbye to breakage

Do you wish to know how to strengthen natural hair with remedies? You can strengthen your natural hair with homemade masks, oils, aloe vera, and lemon.

When I was young, I had beautiful natural hair. I loved my curls, but my hair became weak and prone to breakage. I knew that my hair needed strengthening.

But I didn’t want to use harsh chemicals or treatments that could cause more damage.

I determined to find a solution, and l later discovered their many remedies to strengthen my hair.

Let me show you how I have strengthened my natural hair with remedies.

know how can I straighten my natural hair with home remedies at home here

Let’s go

Five Methods Of Strengthening Hair With Natural Remedies

Method 1: Natural remedy aloe vera and coconut oil to strengthen hair.

Aloe vera and coconut oil have moisturizing and restorative properties that revitalize damaged and dry hair while promoting regrowth.


45g aloe vera gel

30g coconut oil

Combine the aloe vera gel and the coconut oil in a mixing bowl until well combined.

Apply this remedy to your hair, separated into strands, from roots to ends.

Then cover them with a shower cap and leave it on to act for an hour before rinsing. Repeat twice a week.

Method 2: Natural Aloe Vera And Honey Remedy To Strengthening Natural Hair

Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help eliminate dandruff and scalp fungus. This recipe is ideal for strengthening oily hair.

Ingredients :

45g aloe vera gel

75 g of Honey

In a container, mix honey and aloe vera gel. Massage the scalp with this mixture after applying it to your hair.

Leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing. Repeat three times a week.

Method 3:  Natural remedy aloe vera and lemon To Strengthening Hair

Lemon and aloe vera together effectively eliminate fungus and bacteria while strengthening hair.

Ingredients :

45g aloe vera gel

20 ml lemon juice (2 tbsp)

Combine these two components in a container until you achieve a homogenous mixture.

Apply it to your scalp and the rest of the hair, and leave it on for 30 minutes before using your shampoo and rinsing. Repeat the operation twice a week.

Method 4: Natural Aloe Vera And Egg Remedy To Strengthening Natural Hair

The egg contains essential proteins and nutrients for repairing a weakened scalp. Aloe vera and egg are effective in promoting hair regrowth.

Ingredients :

60g aloe vera gel

One egg

Beat an egg, add the aloe vera, and mix until you obtain a homogeneous preparation.

Apply this remedy to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then rinse and use your usual shampoo before rinsing again. Repeat 2 to 3 times a week.

Method 5: Natural Aloe Vera and Clay Remedy For Strengthening Hair

This natural remedy will strengthen the hair and promote its growth.

Ingredients :

90g aloe vera gel

90 g of green clay

16g olive oil

Mix all the ingredients in a container until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Distribute it on your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing. Once a week is enough.

Best Remedies To Strengthen Hair

Avocado strengthening mask

This homemade mask has all the nutrients your hair needs. Great for strengthening. I did a treatment with this mask and had great results.

Apple vinegar

While it may seem strange to treat your hair with something as acidic as vinegar, the truth is that your hair appreciates it due to its slightly acidic nature.

The pH of our hair ranges from 3.5 (acidic) to 5.5 (almost neutral).

Hair products are normally alkaline and unbalance the pH. Vinegar, on the other hand, helps restore hair with its more acidic pH.

It seals the cuticles, leaving hair shinier, stronger, and less prone to breakage, and removing product build-up that suffocates the scalp. It still helps with natural hair growth.

So, vinegar is an excellent treatment to make your hair 100% in growth and quality.

Recipe: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with two parts water. To reduce odor, add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice.

Use as a final rinse after you wash your hair. You can use it once or twice a week.

Rosemary To Strengthening Natural Hair

Rosemary is high in antioxidants, which help combat free radicals. Thus, it is an excellent option to combat hair loss.

Rosemary is good for regenerating, reducing hair loss, and stimulating growth.

Rosemary indeed has anti-seborrheic properties, and several studies have proven that it can also decrease the hormonal action of DHT.

Recipe: Make rosemary tea (about 50 ml). Then massage the mixture into your hair, starting at the ends and working up to the scalp.

You can add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to enhance the effects. It is very light and not greasy. Do it once or twice a week.

How Do You Use Banana MaskHair Treatment For StrengtheningNatural Hair?

Banana mask To Strengthen Natural Hair

Bananas are a rich source of potassium and vitamins A, E, and C: a perfect choice for treating natural hair.

It’s a simple and cheap tip to do at home.

Bananas are high in potassium, natural oils, carbs, and vitamins, which assist in smoothing the hair and maintaining the natural suppleness of the hair, avoiding split ends and damage.

Banana protects hair, adds shine, and helps fight dandruff, promoting healthy growth.

Recipe: Pick a ripe banana and mash it into a paste (use a food processor to ensure there aren’t any chunks). Apply to all hair, including the scalp, and cover with a plastic bag.

Let it act for 20 minutes and rinse well. You can also add olive oil or almond oil to enhance hydration.

Homemade Remedies to strengthen natural hair

An excellent home treatment to strengthen your hair is to take orange, lemon, watermelon, and carrot juice.

Juice to strengthen natural hair

Juice to strengthen hair with oranges, lemon, watermelon, and carrot contains vitamins and other substances, such as beta-carotene, which protect the hair against radicals produced by smoke, pollution, or sun rays that damage the hair.

Thus, avoiding hair problems such as hair loss or dandruff is possible.


Three oranges

½ lemon

One slice of watermelon

One carrot

Method of preparation juice to strengthen natural hair

Blend the ingredients in the blender until you get a homogeneous mixture. Drink two glasses of juice a day for at least one week.

Hair mask for hair strengthening

The hair-strengthening hair mask has properties that help prevent hair loss, strengthen hair, and facilitate hair growth.


50 g of maidenhair leaves

Method of preparation of hair mask for hair strengthening

Crush the maidenhair leaves and apply directly to the hair, covering with a cloth and leaving to act for 30 minutes.

Then wash your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo suitable for your hair type. Repeat this treatment every two days for two weeks.

What Is A Good Home Remedy For Strengthening Hair?

Gelatin is a good home remedy for strengthening hair

Gelatin is a well-known substance helpful for strengthening hair. It is a protein found in the collagen of the bones, tissues, and cartilage of certain animals.

Of course, as you have certainly understood, gelatin strengthens the hair thanks to its large amounts of collagen. Besides the hair, it also supports the nails.

The best way to use gelatin to strengthen your hair is to add this protein to your usual shampoo bottle and shake it to mix it well.

Wash your hair normally, then rinse it. But if you want better results, I recommend you dissolve gelatin in half a cup of water, apply it to your hair, and then rinse it.

Can Olive Oil Strengthen Natural Hair?

Olive oil has interesting properties that allow you to treat different problems effectively, and in addition, it strengthens the hair.

At the same time, it works so that hair looks less dull, better hydrated, and shinier.

Just apply two teaspoons of oil to your dry hair before showering to achieve this result.

Don’t forget to cover your hair with a shower cap for the oil to take effect. Moreover, the water vapor makes the oil better penetrate the entire scalp.

After about ten minutes, take off your shower cap and rinse your hair normally. You can then use shampoo and even conditioner.

Does Honey Strengthen Natural Hair?

Honey is another natural product that can do a lot of good for limp and brittle hair. Or hair that tends to fall out. Honey strengthens and gives the body to the hair thanks to its nutrients.

In this case, apply a little honey to your hair by spreading it with your fingertips. You can also perform a light massage to make the Honey penetrate deeply.

After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse with warm water for the Honey to take effect. The best is to opt for the shower and use your usual shampoo.

As a curiosity, know that the daily use of Honey can also lighten the color of your hair or give it highlights. This substance is helpful in the formulation of market lighting shampoos!

Is Almond Oil Good For Strengthening Natural Hair?

Almond oil

it is rich in vitamins E and B, plus important components like zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and protein.

Sweet almond oil has a high moisturizing power for both skin and hair.

If you are trying to strengthen and accelerate hair growth, almond oil is a simple and effective way to do this.

Almond oil is helpful because it has healthy fatty acids, makes hair smooth, helps to recover damaged strands, and decreases volume.

Recipe: Book a tablespoon of almond oil (more or less depending on the length and thickness of your hair) and massage it on your scalp to the ends of your hair.

Let it act for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair normally.

How Do You Use Egg To Strengthen Natural Hair

As incredible as it may seem, eggs are another option to strengthen and beautify hair because the egg is rich in vitamins E and D, whose action is fundamental to strengthening hair and nails.

One can get these benefits by consuming this product. But the results will be more remarkable if applied directly to the hair.

It’s a straightforward process. Just beat a raw egg in a bowl. Then you apply it on the scalp by massaging lightly with your fingertips to make it penetrate well.

Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse. You must do this rinsing with cold or lukewarm water, but never with hot water. Of course, you can use shampoo and conditioner to remove all traces of the egg!


Now that you learned  how to strengthen natural hair with remedies

Please do not forget Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help eliminate dandruff and scalp fungus. This recipe is ideal for strengthening oily hair.

Remember, Olive oil contains unique qualities that allow you to successfully treat various issues while strengthening your hair.

At the same time, it makes hair appear less dull, more moisturized, and shinier.

I have an existing article stating what is the healthiest way to straighten natural hair at home