How To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week(Fast Hair Growth Tips)

Did you wish to know how to speed up your hair growth in a week? Yes, you can speed up your hair growth by massaging your hair with heated natural oils to improve your scalp’s condition and stimulate hair growth.

Gone are the days when my hair growth was slow, and I had a dream of having long, healthy, and thick hair.

I wondered how to quickly speed up my hair growth to reach my goal.

I later discovered some tips to enhance my growth.

Let me show you how I speed up my hair growth in a week.

Know what hairstyle looks good on long hair here.

Let’s go

How Hair Grows

The processes occurring in the follicle depend on the growth phase. Active – anagen – allows cells to produce a large amount of keratin, the hair shaft’s primary building material.

It is followed by the phase of degradation of the follicle – catagen. The hair follicle does not receive sufficient nutrition from the root, and growth slows down.

In the telogen phase, the hair separated from the bulb gradually moves to the skin’s surface and falls out. After that, the whole cycle is repeated.

Normally, hair grows by 1.5 cm per month in adults, which occurs faster in men.

You can follow some practical tips to help stimulate your hair growth in no time.

Try enriching treatments, such as warm oil scalp massages. Adjust your usual hair care routine in such a way as to avoid damage to your hair.

Ensure your diet contains nutrients that promote hair growth (such as protein and biotin).

Of course, there are certain limits on weekly hair growth rates – this is due to the body’s physiology, and yet, by taking extra care of your hair, you can Boost its growth in a short period.

Use Treatments That Improve Hair Condition

Head massage with warm oil

Massage with heated natural oils improves the condition of the scalp and stimulates hair growth. For the procedure, coconut, olive, argan, and jojoba oil are perfect.

Although it is not scientifically proven that such a massage leads to rapid hair growth, the procedure will undoubtedly improve the condition of the scalp and your hair.

To begin, heat an oil container in a bowl of hot water. Before using oil for massage, ensure it is not hot; the temperature should be comfortable so as not to damage the scalp and hair.

Using your fingertips (not your nails), gently massage your scalp in slow, circular motions using warm oil. The duration of the massage is approximately 3 minutes.

Then apply warm oil along the entire hair length and leave it for 30 minutes.

After that, wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo – you may have to do this more than once to clean the oil out of your hair thoroughly.

To avoid washing your hair too often, do an oil massage when you usually wash your hair with shampoo.

Hair Masks To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week

Give your hair a little more attention and care by using a hair mask 1-2 times a week – it effectively boosts the growth of hair follicles.

You can make a natural oil mask yourself or buy it ready-made – in a cosmetics store or pharmacy.

Mix a cup (240 ml) of coconut oil with other oils – 1 tablespoon (about 15 ml) each of macadamia, jojoba oils, and almond oil.

Apply the oil mask to damp hair and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner as usual.

To avoid washing your hair too often, use an oil mask when you usually shampoo your hair.

Castor Oil For Hair Care To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week

It is known that castor oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. Thanks to castor oil masks, your hair will grow faster and take on a healthy look.

Start the treatment by massaging the scalp with castor oil. If, at the same time, some of the oil gets on the hair – it’s okay.

Cover your head with a waterproof shower cap to keep the oil from dripping out of your hair.

Perhaps some of the oil will still leak out from under the cap, so it’s best to put a towel on the pillow so as not to stain the pillowcase.

Leave the mask on overnight. Wash your hair thoroughly the following day using your regular shampoo and conditioner to remove all the oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week

Apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy for removing dust and dirt, oily sheen, and residues from cosmetics, including hair styling.

When you don’t shampoo your hair, you can use apple cider vinegar as a natural alternative hair cleanser or use it after shampooing with your regular shampoo and conditioner.

After washing your hair, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in two glasses of water and rinse it with this solution.

Although the rinse water may smell strongly of vinegar, the pungent odor will gradually disappear.

Adjust Your Usual Hair Care Routine To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week

  • Wash your hair 2-3 times a week

Reducing your hygienic hair-washing routine to 2-3 times a week will allow the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands to penetrate your hair, thereby moisturizing and restoring it.

If you notice that less frequent shampooing has led to an oily scalp and itching, then you can wash your hair with shampoo more than 2-3 times a week.

To wash your hair correctly, massage the shampoo into your scalp in a massaging motion, and then rinse your hair thoroughly, allowing the shampoo to flow freely through the strands.

Use Conditioner Every Time You Take A Shower To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week

Unlike shampoo, it’s essential always to use conditioner when your hair gets wet in the shower.

The conditioner will be able to replace lipids and proteins in the structure of the hair shaft, thereby ensuring rapid hair growth and improving their condition.

Rinse your hair with cold water after taking a shower.

Rinsing your hair with cold water after a warm shower helps to smooth the cuticle scales of the hair shaft, making hair smooth, shiny, and more manageable to style.

Cold rinsing of hair after application of the conditioner is especially useful. The cold water will seal the cuticles, reinforcing the conditioner’s moisturizing effect.

Do Not Wrap Wet Hair In A Towel.

Perhaps it has become habitual for you to wrap your wet hair in a towel and twist it into a bundle after a shower. However, this can adversely affect the condition of the hair.

Wet hair is particularly fragile and vulnerable to damage, so instead of wrapping, pat your hair lightly from top to bottom with a dry towel.

If you still like wrapping your hair in a towel after showering, try using fine cotton or soft microfiber fabrics – these materials are gentle on the hair and help dry it without damaging it.

Comb Your Hair Before Bed

You should not comb your hair too often – this can cause poor growth. Instead, brush your hair from top to bottom with a natural boar bristle brush a few times each day before bed.

This procedure will help to distribute evenly the natural lubricant produced by the sebaceous glands on the scalp, which, in turn, will help retain moisture in the hair structure.

Start moving from the roots, trying to delicately and evenly comb each strand of hair to the very ends. Do this at least once a week.

Combing your hair every day before going to bed activates the blood circulation in the scalp. As a result, it will help stimulate hair growth.

Although it has not been scientifically proven that such a procedure leads to faster hair growth, it will undoubtedly improve their overall condition.

Avoid Using Heat Styling Tools

One of the most common causes of hair damage and slow growth is using heating tools for styling, straightening, and curling.

Try to use them as infrequently as possible, or eliminate them from your list of hair care products.

To avoid harming healthy hair growth, prefer natural strands and curls.

If you can’t completely give up heating tools, use them at low temperatures, and before styling, use heat-protective cosmetics – gels, sprays, and creams to prevent damage to your hair.

Trim Your Hair Regularly

While it may seem counterintuitive, trimming your hair promotes hair health and faster growth.

By trimming your hair regularly, you prevent the formation of split ends, which can cause breakage along the entire length of your hair.

As a result, your hair will become shorter, and you will have to visit your hairdresser more often.

To stop the appearance of damaged split ends, ask your hairdresser to cut 3 mm at the ends of your hair every 6-8 weeks.

How often you cut your hair depends on how fast it grows and how badly the ends are damaged.

Rethink Your Regular Diet To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week

  • Take hair growth supplements

If your usual diet does not provide sufficient nutrition to the hair, take a multivitamin to improve its condition.

 Look for products labeled “for hair” that contain substances beneficial to hair health and growth, such as biotin and vitamins C and B.

Before you start taking nutritional supplements or vitamins, check with your doctor to find the correct dosage and to rule out the possibility of harmful drug interactions with other medications you are taking.

Biotin and other hair growth products can affect different people in different ways and cause various side effects.

Take Only Certified Vitamins And Supplements.

  • Eat high-protein foods

Increasing protein intake will promote healthy hair growth and prevent damage and loss.

Try to regularly include fish, meat, legumes, nuts, and whole grains in your diet to accelerate your hair advancement.

If you’re on a vegetarian diet, eat enough soy products, legumes, grains, and nuts.

Be selective in your protein sources. Avoid processed meats and fatty dairy products.

Ensure you include enough healthy, high-fiber, high-nutrient carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, for growth enhancement.

Try Using The Hair Inversion Method To Speed Up Hair Growth In A Week

The inversion method is one of the most popular ways to increase hair growth. It consists in briefly lowering the head below the level of the heart.

It quickly stimulates blood flow to the scalp and enhances hair follicles. Lie on the bed with your neck resting on the edge of the bed and your head hanging down.

Try to stay in this position for 4-5 minutes daily. While there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of this method, it is still possible to try to stimulate hair growth using this safe method.

In addition to the inversion method, try yoga poses such as Downward Facing Dog, Shoulderstand, or Headstand.

The main rule is that the head should be below the level of the heart to increase blood flow.

The inversion method can be supplemented with a head massage with coconut oil. The procedure must be performed before lowering the head.

Come out of the “inversion” gradually so you do not feel weak or dizzy.

Measure your hair length at the beginning and end of the week to gauge the effectiveness of your efforts. And see how much your hair has grown in one week.

What Makes Hair Grow Fast Or Slow?

Age is the primary determining in whether your hair will grow fast or slow. The period you are in will be a factor that will determine your hair growth.

And it also depends on the diet you take. How you take care of your hair daily will also determine whether your hair will grow fast or slow.

Stress and hormonal fluctuations will determine whether your hair grows fast or slow, and your scalp health and conditions can make your hair grow fast or slow.

But in ordinary men, hair always grows faster than in women, but in pregnant women, Rapidity speeds up their hair growth process.

How you hydrate your body: hydrating your body will help your hair grow fast, so drink enough water daily.

Why Is My Hair Growing So Slowly?

Many causes can make your hair grow slowly. One of the leading causes is a lack of vitamins. If your hair lacks vitamins, it won’t grow at the rate it should.

Hair grows more slowly when something is wrong with the body, such as anemia. But using a balanced diet will change the speed of your hair growth.

The genetics of each one also determines the speed of hair growth. On average, straight hair and curly hair grow 1cm. A diet rich in meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, and juices naturally helps a lot.

Is It True That Aloe Vera Grows Hair?

Aloe vera is rich in nutrients and vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, and B6), which makes your locks healthier with the treatment.

In addition, it has enzymes that help remove dead cells from the scalp, helping to make hair grow faster and healthier.


Now that you have learned how to speed up hair growth in a week.

Please, you must always ensure that you don’t comb your hair too often – this can cause poor growth.

Instead, brush your hair from top to bottom with a natural boar bristle brush a few times each day before bed.

Remember massaging with heated natural oils improves the condition of the scalp and stimulates hair growth. For the procedure, coconut, olive, argan, and jojoba oil are perfect.

But I have an existing article stating all the products to speed up your hair growth.