How Do You Use Plastic Hair Pins?(Expert Tips And Styling Hacks)

Plastic hairpins showcased with various hairdos

Do you wish to know how do you use plastic hair pins? Yes! You can use plastic hairpins to secure and style your desired hairstyle.

Four years ago, I liked to style my hair with plastic hair pins in college, but it wasn’t easy. I always wondered how to use plastic hair pins to style my hair.

I later discovered how to use plastic hair pin to style my hair like a professional.

Let me show you how I have been using plastic hair pins to style my hair for the past eight years.

Know how to use a French hair pin here

Let’s delve into it.

10-Step To Style Hair With Plastic Hair Pins

Plastic hair pins are one of the best hair accessories to secure your hairstyle and hold your hair in place to avoid discomfort when doing activities at home or office.

Let me show you the ten steps I use to style my hair with plastic pins.

Step 1: Choose The Correct Plastic Hair Pins For Your Hairstyle

Ensure to select suitable plastic hairpins anytime you want to use them to style your hair.

You must choose the right color and size that suit your hair type and desired hairstyle.

You can also use plastic hair pins with embellishment to decorate your desired hairstyle and ensure it complements your outfit.

One of the best plastic hair clip colors I use to style my hairstyles is pink plastic hair pins.

Choosing the correct plastic hair pin for my hairstyle is one of the best ways I have achieved an elegant look with plastic hairpin hairstyles for the past eight years.

Step 2: Prepare Your Hair Before Inserting Plastic Hair Pins

Before putting plastic hairpins, be sure to style your hair in the way you want.

There are different hairstyles you can style to achieve a gorgeous look. Examples of hairstyles you can style your hair with are buns, updos, and half-up hairstyles.

You can also twist your hair before inserting plastic hair pins for a beautiful look.

Step 3: Open High-Quality Plastic Hairpins Properly

Hold your plastic hairpins between your thumb and index finger to open them. Make sure that the waving side is facing down and straight side up.

It would help if you gently pinched the end of the hair pin to open it up.

You have to notice some plastic hairpins have rounded sides and a flat side; ensure the flat side faces your hair scalp when inserting plastic hair pins.

Avoid low-quality plastic hair pins that can easily break when inserting them into your hair.

Step 4: Insert Your Plastic Hairpins In The Correct Position

Place your hairpins where you want them to secure your hairdo. Slide them in your hair with the wavy side facing down and close to your scalp.

You must also ensure your plastic hair pin straight side is facing upwards.

Step 5: Secure Your Hairstyle With Plastic Hairpins

Make sure to push your plastic hairpin further into your hair and ensure it holds the hairstyle securely.

Bonus Tips: You can make your hairstyle fit better by crisscrossing your plastic hairpins to form an “X” shape. I have used these plastic hairpin tip hacks to secure my hairstyle better.

Step 6: Hide Your Plastic Hair Pins

If you don’t like showing up their plastic hair pins, you can easily hide them by inserting them underneath the top layer or along your hairline to accomplish a gorgeous look.

Step 7: Use Enough Plastic Hair Pins

Choosing enough plastic hairpins for your hairstyle will depend on the size of your hairstyle.

It would help if you opted for enough plastic hair pins for your hairdo to secure perfectly.

Avoid a few plastic hairpins that won’t secure your hairstyle well and can make it loose and fall out.

Step 8: Be Gentle When Inserting Plastic Hair Pins

Creative ways to use hair grips are by gently inserting and removing them on your hairstyle.

Ensure to use plastic hair grips gently to prevent tugging or pulling on your hair, which can lead your hair to breakage.

Step 9: Experiment With Plastic Hair Pins With Styles

There are many creative ways to use plastic hair clips to style your hair. Plastic hair pins are versatile and can use for various hairstyles.

Try your creativity by feeling free to experiment with various hairstyles and get unique with your look.

Step 10: Remove Plastic Hair Pins Carefully

using plastic hair pins accessories is one of the best tricks to style your hair, but it is always essential to remove them carefully after use.

The best plastic hairpin hack is gently pinching the ends and sliding them out of your hair.

Avoid pulling or yanking them out because it can cause discomfort and damage your hair.

You must know using plastic hairpins effectively requires a bit of practice.

I recommend you try out different hairstyles with plastic hair pins because they are excellent tools to create and maintain beautiful hairstyles.

How To Use Different Types Of Plastic Hair Pins

Plastic hair clips come in various forms, colors, and sizes and can be used to style your hair. You must know each of them serves a specific purpose of styling and securing your hair.

Plasticbobby pins: one of the popular hairpin accessories is bobby pins; they are flat, U-shaped, and used to create various hairstyles for different occasions.

I always use plastic bobby pins for buns or half-up styles.

Creating updos with plastic bobby pins is one of the best hairstyles to look beautiful.

Ensure that the straight side of your plastic Bobby pins faces your hair scalp, and the waving side should be facing out.

The plastic bobby pin trick is to slide them into your hair, close to your scalp, and flip them over to secure your hair in place.

What Is Plastic Hair Clips

 Hair clips are one of the best hair pins, often larger and holding more hair than a bobby pin.

How to use plastic hair clips

I always use hair clips to secure more sections of my hair to avoid discomfort.

Plastic hair clips come in various designs, including alligator and jaw clips used to hold sections of your hair while styling.

It can also secure your hair in a loose ponytail or hangup style.

What Is Plastic Claw Clips

Claw clips are large clips with teeth or claws that open and close.

How to use plastic claw clips

I used to gather my hair into a ponytail or loose bun and secure it with claw clips for a quick and easy elegant hairstyle look.

What Is Plastic Sectioning Clips:

Sectioning clips are made for dividing your hair into sections while styling.

How to use plastic sectioning clips

I use plastic sectioning clips to keep sections of my hair separated while blow-drying or curling.

It is also perfect for holding sections of hair while straightening your hair.

Ensure to opt for high-quality sectioning clips to secure your hair well.

What Is Plastic Hair Barrettes

Plastic hair barrettes are perfect for hairstyles and come in various sizes and designs.

How to use plastic hair barrettes

I use them to secure small sections of my hair, and I also use them to add a decorative touch to my hairstyle. They are excellent for achieving various hairstyles you desire.

What Is Plastic Hair Clip Combs

Plastic hair clip combs are perfect accessories to create half-up styles or secure your hair at the back of your head.

How to use plastic hair clip combs

A plastic hair clip combs has teeth on one side and a flat base on the other; it secures your hair in place.

What Is Plastic Snap Clip

Snap clips are best for people needing small, easy-to-secure hair accessories.

How to use plastic snap clips

I use plastic snap clips to secure small hair sections and pin my bangs.

My Plastic Hairpins Trick And Tips

Before using plastic hairpins, I always ensure my hair is dry and knots-free.

I always ensure my hair pins complement my hair color before choosing it for my hairstyle.

When inserting my plastic hair clips, I always insert them correctly against my scalp for a secure hold.

I recommend that people with thick or heavy hair opt for large, high-quality plastic hairpins to secure their hair.

I always avoid using my hairpins on wet hair; you mustn’t use hairpins on damp hair because they can cause hair damage.

 I buy high-quality plastic hair grips for my hair to avoid breakage and to keep them last longer.

I occasionally wash my plastic hairpins with mild soap and water to keep them in good condition.

How Can I Choose the Best Plastic Bobby Pins

You can use the best high-quality plastic bobby pin to style your hair. It is essential you know choosing the best plastic Bobby pins may depend on your hair type and style.

Remember, it also depends on your personal need; you have to determine whether you want to decorate a plastic hair pin to embellish your hairstyle or without decorating.

Let me show you some factors I use to choose the best high-quality plastic hairpin; you can also select the best high-quality plastic hair pin by considering the following factors.

Grip: The first thing I look at before buying hair pin is the grip of the hairpin. I look for plastic bobby pins with a secure grip to hold my hair in place throughout the day.

Ensure to consider the grip of your plastic bobby pins before choosing them.

Size: The second thing I look at before buying a hair grip is the size; I always choose plastic bobby pins that are suitable for my hair thickness and length to secure my hair well.

You must know different hair types may require different hair pins sizes.

How To Choose Plastic Hair Clips That Suit Your Hair Type And Length

Choose the plastic hair clips that suit your hair type and length.

Material: The third thing I look at before choosing hair pin is the materials they use to make it.

You see, looking at the material they use to make hairpin is one of the essential factors to consider before choosing.

I always choose plastic bobby pins that are created with high-quality materials.

Opt for durable, high-quality plastic that won’t break when inserting it into your desired hairstyle.

Comfort: The fourth factor I consider is the comfort smooth tip of the hair pin. I always choose plastic hair grips with a smooth surface to ensure they insert into my hair smoothly.

Ensure to choose plastic bobby pins that come with smooth tips to ensure they don’t snag or pull your hair while inserting or removing them from your hair.

Plastic hair pin review: The last factor I consider is the review about the hair clip I want to buy. I always ensure I read reviews and recommendations from other users who have used them.

Ensure to read a review of the plastic hair pin you desire to get insight into the effectiveness and quality of the plastic bobby pin.

It would help if you experimented with different brands to find the one that works best for your hair type and length.


Now that you have learned how do you use plastic hair pins

Please do not forget always opt for high-quality plastic hair pins for your hairstyle.

Choosing a high-quality hair pin for your hairstyle will allow you to easily insert and remove your hairpin.

Prepare your hair before inserting a plastic pin to achieve your desired hairstyle.

Remember to choose the plastic hair pins color and size that suit your hair and complement your outfit to look gorgeous.

Check here to know are hair pins bad for your hair.