How Do You Stop A Beard From Itching?(Proven Itch-Relief)

Close-up of a well-groomed man smiling confidently with a perfectly maintained beard, symbolizing itch-free and healthy facial hair.

Do you wish to know how do you stop a beard from itching? You can stop itching in your beard by using proper hygiene and beard care, but you have to learn the tips to stop itching in your beard.

I remember back in the days when my beard used to itch, and I wondered how I could stop my beard from itching.

A few months later, I discovered how to stop the itch from my beard.  

Let me show you how I stop itching from my beard.

Learn here how to grow a straight beard at home without damaging it.

Let’s delve into it.

What Are The Tips To Stop Your Beard From Itching 

There are different tips you can use to stop beards itch. Follow the tips below to stop itchy beard causes.

Tip #1 for an itchy beard: clean it well

Gentlemen, the first essential advice I can give you to have well-hydrated beard skin and avoid having an itchy beard is to clean it. 

Nothing is more important than cleaning your itchy beard so that it receives the water it naturally needs and is hydrated as best as possible.

It’s because your skin is dry if you have an itchy beard. And, probably wash your beard two to three days per week to avoid beard dryness.

Beard grooming tips: If you want a nice beard,  wash it for two to three days. If you have a dry beard, you will feel the difference!

To do this, you have two main options: washing with soap or shampoo. 

And if you feel like it, you can even do both! And when I talk to you about soap or shampoo, 

I’m not talking about industrial products, eh? My state of mind is natural and organic, so I will only recommend products of this type.

So, regarding soap and shampoo, I would first like to focus on a particular type of soap:  cold-process soap.

Click here to learn how to shape your beard at home.

Cold Saponified Soap

A cold saponified soap is made from vegetable oils. You can find olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, etc. there. 

A chemical process will then be implemented with an alkaline agent, and essential oils or other natural ingredients can be added, depending on the skin problems to be treated (dry, sensitive, acne-prone, etc.)

The benefits of cold saponified soap

You can imagine this soap has numerous advantages over a shower gel or industrial soap and, by extension, for an itchy beard.

For example, this soap is gentle on the skin because it is super-fatted natural and ecological ethics qualitative, etc.

Beard Shampoo

You should choose a natural beard shampoo product, preferably organic. Please don’t use your hair shampoo on your beard, as this may damage it.

The scalp differs from the beard hair and the skin underneath, so using a beard shampoo is best to stop your bread from itching.

Beard shampoo: Include beard into your beard routine

Clean your beard properly to soothe your beard hair, eliminate impurities, and strengthen your beard. 

Additionally, it prevents beard dandruff from the skin under the beard. You can use beard conditioner if you have beard itching and dandruff.

Don’t know how to clean your itchy beard properly? Do not hesitate to click here to learn an article on how to clean your beard.

Tip #2 For An Itchy Beard: Properly Nourish Your Beard

Do you understand the importance of cleaning your beard well, gentlemen? Well, now we’ll have to feed it.

So no, you will not give it bread, crumbs, and tomato slices. But you will have to feed it with oil. Yum!

To be more serious, nourishing your beard well is essential, especially with beard oil. 

Every day, even several times a day, your hair needs beard oil to stay beautiful, silky, and hydrated. 

A poorly hydrated beard hair is a facial hair that dies or eventually falls out. Result: itchy beard!

Beard dandruff can also cause your beard itching. Click here to learn about how you can get rid of beard dandruff.

But if you are a beginner in beard grooming, you can check here for more information about beard dandruff.

Natural beard products include Argan, Jojoba, avocado, olive, castor oil, and others.

Argan oil is one of the oils used in the composition of beard oil. Do you know why? Because it is precisely known for its hyper-nourishing properties. 

Argan tree has been used in Morocco and by Berber women for centuries. Besides, it is used in cooking and cosmetics. 

In short, what your beard needs! Your beard needs Argan oil, which is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E. Additionally, it helps moisturize.

If you find them in beard oil, Jojoba and avocado oils are also suitable for nourishing the beard to prevent beard itch.

Castor oil, however, is less well-known and helps protect and strengthen beard hair. 

So, imagine all these ingredients combined in one beard oil. It’s just explosive! Above all, it will solve a big problem with your beard that irritates you and stop itching in your beard.

Tip #3 For An Itchy Beard: Moisturize Your Beard Well

Nourishing and moisturizing your beard is similar, but it’s not the same.

When we think of “hydrate,” we think of water. It is not wrong for your beard; as seen in tip 1, cleaning it with water is essential to hydrate it. However, several types of hydration exist.

The different types of products for hydration

To stop your beard from itching. When I talk to you about hydration, I’m talking to you about moisturizing products for your beard hair. 

To this end, you can moisturize your beard with (apart from beard oil), such as using beard balm, cream, serum, or a moisturizer. 

Here are some clues to help you find your way around these different types of products that exist:

Beard balm: Best for small and medium beards

Moisturizing treatment: Beard moisturizing techniques for three-day beards to avoid tightness and itching, but also for all types of beards

The cream: for all beard types

Beard serum: for all types of beards, like beard oil; its “gel” texture is pleasant and gives a non-greasy feel to the beard.

If you are a beginner who doesn’t know the difference between beard oil and beard balm,click here to read.

click here to check my existing article about what is distinction between beard oil and beard balm

The composition of these products

Specific components will come up quite often when preparing these beard moisturizers. 

I cite, for example, shea and beeswax. It’s not surprising since these two elements are known to be natural moisturizers, but not only that.

Shea is rich in fatty acids and contains vitamins E,  D,  and A. Beeswax is mainly composed of mono-esters and hydrocarbons, which are ideal for adequately hydrating your beard.

Tip #4 For An Itchy Beard: Brush Your Beard Well

If you want to say stop to an itchy beard, it is also essential to brush it well. 

The bigger and thicker your beard is, the more you will need to brush it. 

And it makes sense because it’s a bit like hair. 

For your beard to look beautiful, you must brush it.

The objectives of a beard brush

Brushing your beard will allow you to be more elegant, but not only that. 

It will also enable you to remove dead skin hiding under your beard (on the skin);

To hide the holes in certain places of your beard And to obtain a softer, silkier, more well-groomed beard.

To discipline your beard so that it appears clean and tidy.

Click to learn about how to take care of a man’s beard.

Choosing the right beard brush

Don’t use brushes, which will only damage your beard.

Favor natural beard brushes made of wood, such as boar bristles (widely used in the field) or even badger bristles. 

You will see the difference, and your beard will be well-styled.

Tip #5 For An Itchy Beard: Comb Your Beard Well

Saying stop to an itchy beard means finally knowing how to take the time to comb it. Brushing and combing a beard are similar, but there are still differences.

The purposes of a beard comb

Combining your beard will allow you to obtain a more beautiful beard and detangle your beard hair more easily (yes, knots are not just in the hair!).

To better distribute sebum to obtain a shinier beard. And also to rebalance the electrical charges of your beard hairs.

Additionally, it stimulates blood circulation to obtain a softer, silkier, more well-groomed beard.

Choosing the right beard comb

Just like the brush, you need to choose a natural beard comb. Stop using a bad-quality comb that will damage your beard over time. 

Today, many combs are made naturally, such as combs made from zebu horn or wood.

Is It Normal For A Growing Beard To Itch?

The growing beard makes the skin just below drier and more flaky, a source of irritation and an itch. 

The growing beard is exposed to environmental factors such as wind, pollution, sun, tobacco, and food.

Wearing a mask throughout the Covid-19 epidemic has also favored itchy beards due to friction and humidity. 

Most men neglect their growing beard and let it grow without caring for it. 

However, the lack of hygiene and hydration in the growing beard and the underlying skin accentuates the phenomenon of itchy beards. 

Facial care is every man’s business! A man’s beard needs to be maintained using suitable products. 

What causes beard itch? An itchy beard is often a natural vicious circle: 

The skin under the beard becomes red. It feels tight, itches, and sometimes becomes covered with pimples. The itchy beard thus generates significant skin discomfort. 

An itchy growing beard sometimes becomes so problematic that some men prefer shaving rather than keeping it. 

It’s a shame for men to prefer shaving rather than keeping it when simple solutions exist to combat growing itchy beards.

How Do I Make My Beard Less Scratchy?

You can make your beard less scratchy by cleaning your beard with a suitable product.

If your beard is scratchy, it may also be because it is dirty. Throughout the day, it will accumulate dust, food, and dirt.

By touching or caressing it (we touch our face at least once every minute), your hair will tend to grease quickly. It’s excess sebum.

Excess sebum means pores in the epidermis that become clogged, giving rise to redness and spots. Therefore, it is natural for you to scratch your beard or your skin.

How can I prevent my beard from itching?

Natural beard itch solutions? As with your hair, you need to clean your beard regularly with natural beard treatment.

But not with just any shampoo, especially not the one you use to wash your hair.

One of the best beard grooming practices is choosing a beard shampoo. Liquid or solid, it will be ideally suited to gently washing your beard without irritating your skin.

It will remove dirt, dust, and bacteria, which also cause pimples and itching. Use it 2 to 3 times maximum per week.

Shampooing your beard too often will tend to make it regrease too quickly.

Then dry your fleece with a clean towel, then if necessary, with a hairdryer.

Are There Any Natural Remedies For An Itchy Beard?

There are different natural remedies to prevent a beard from itching.

One of the best remedies to prevent beard itching is castor oil. Applying castor to your beard routine can avoid beard itching.

You must know that massaging your beard with castor oil can stimulate its growth.

You must know that taking care of your beard daily can help you achieve beard growth without itching.

Beard maintenance is essential daily for a healthy, smooth, shiny beard, which you can wear to different events with your favorite beard style.

Can beard oils help reduce itchiness?

Applying beard oil to your beard daily to avoid beard dryness can prevent itching.

Apply high-quality beard oil to help reduce itching and smoothen your beard.

How often should I wash my beard to avoid itchiness?

Washing your beard two to three times weekly is one of the best ways to avoid itchiness.

Additionally, washing your beard with high-quality beard shampoo can help you achieve beard itch relief.


Now that you have learned how do you stop a beard from itching.

Please do not forget to take care of your beard before and after shaving it to stop itching.

Remember, taking care of your beard daily can prevent your beard from itching.

Make sure to apply beard products on your beard to achieve a healthy beard and skin.

Click here to read about the complete guide to beard care routine at home