Do Pin Curls Work On Short Hair? (My Year’s Experience Of Pin Curls)

Pin curls styled on short hair, demonstrating a year's journey of perfecting the technique.

Do you wish to know do pin curls work on short hair? Yes! Pin curls can work on short hair using hair pins and curls-enhancing products.   

I remember five years ago when my hair was short, and I wanted to use pin curls techniques to wear curly hair to my special event. And I wondered if pin curls can work on short hair.

I tried pin curls on my short hair and discovered pin curl techniques could work perfectly on short hair.

Let me show you how I have been using the pin curl method to wear curly hair with my short hair.

Know what is the meaning of pin curls here

Let’s get started.

What Products Do You Need For Pin Curls?

You need a few hair products for pin curls; some are important, while others are optional.

  • Curl enhancing product

You need curls-enhancing products such as mousse, curl cream, or setting lotion to define and hold your curls in place as they dry.

  • Hair spray

You can use a light hold hair spray to set your pin curls after they dry.

If you desire to learn how to take of curly hair, click here to discover a good routine for curly hair.

What Do You Need For Pin Curls?

  • Water spray bottle

If you can’t wash your hair before starting the pin curls process, you need a water spray bottle to dampen your natural hair.

  • Wide toothbrush or comb

You need a wide-tooth brush to detangle your hair and distribute your curl-enhancing product evenly through your damp hair to achieve perfect curls.

  • Hairpin or bobby pin

A bobby pin or hairpin is essential to secure your hair to achieve a neat curl.

  • Silk or satin scarf and pillowcase

To protect your pin curls while sleeping, make them dry completely.

l always wear a satin scarf and sleep on a pillow to reduce friction that causes pin curls to frizz whenever I want to use the pin curl technique to create curls hair.

Click here to learn which oils are best for curly hair.

How To Do Pin Curls On Short Hair Step-By-Step

Pin curl techniques are among the best-trending methods for creating curls for your special occasion; most people wonder how to achieve curls with their short hair.

Follow the simple steps to use the pin curls method to create curls with your short hair.

Click here to discover curly hairstyles for women.

Step 1: Prepare your short hair for curls

Start preparing your hair with shampoo and conditioner that suit your hair type and condition.

You must know you need damp hair to use the pin curls method to get perfect curls hair results.

Get a water spray bottle to dampen your hair if you don’t have time to wash your hair.

Use water to spray your hair because damp hair helps hold the curls’ shape.

Remove any excess water that can affect the result of your curls, leave your hair damp, and apply the curl-enhancing product.

Step 2: Comb your short hair                                             

Comb your short hair with a brush or comb to prevent any knots or tangles that can affect the pin curl’s result. So it can be more manageable to section your short hair.

Click here to unlock the secret of growing curly hair.

Step 3: Section Your Short Hair To Create Curls

Start sectioning your short hair into different sections.

The number of sections you will create with your short hair will depend on the size and thickness of your hair.

Take a  ½ -1 inch section of your hair and wrap your ½ -1 inch hair around your fingers to coil it from the root to the tip, ensuring it forms a coil.

It is essential you know since your hair is short, the curling motion will be more compact.

Step 4: Secure your short hair coil with bobby pins

After coiling your hair close to your scalp, take two bobby pins and crisscross them on each section of your curled hair to create an X shape.

It helps secure your curled hair in place.

Repeat inserting two bobby pins for each section of your curled hair until all the curled sections are secure with bobby pins.

Step 5: Setting Your Short Hair Curls

After you have curled and pinned all the short hair, you can now wrap a silk scarf around your head to protect your pinned curl and keep it secure.

Step 6: Let your short hair curl dry natural

After wrapping the scarf around your head, wait for your hair to dry naturally.

You can wait a few hours to allow your curled hair to dry or sleep with the pinned curls.

Step 7: Allow short hair curl to completely dry

Make sure to allow your curl’s hair to completely dry.

After it is completely dry, gently remove your hair pins without disrupting the formation of your curls.

I recommend you use your fingers to detangle your curls carefully.

Avoid using a comb or brush to separate your short hair curls to avoid frizz.

Step 8: Apply hair spray on pin curls

Use hair spray to make your curls last longer, and apply hair spray to set your curls to achieve a gorgeous look.

Step 9:  Look at your marvelous short curl hair in the mirror.

Make sure your curl looks perfect. You can wear your beautiful short curly hair to any special event.

Click here to learn more ways to create your curly hair without heat.

Do Pin Curls Last Longer On Short Hair?

Yes, pin curls last longer on short hair than longer hair.

I discovered various reasons from my experience that make the pin curl method last longer than longer hair.

I have used the pin curls method for five years to create short and longer hair curls.

From my experience, I discovered five factors that can make pin curls last longer on short hair than on longer hair length.

  • Weight of the short hair

To illustrate, short hair’s weight is lighter, making it avoid pulling down on curls.

You must know that short hair is not like longer hair, which is heavier and can pull down on your curls, quickly causing them to lose shape.

  • It is easier to set pin curls on short hair

bobby pins are easy to set on short hair when sectioning hair.

You must ensure that each section of your short hair is properly curled and pinned with a bobby pin.

It will make your pin curls method on short hair last longer to produce an elegant look.

Short Hair Less Friction Pin Curls

If you do pin curls on short hair, you will experience less friction while sleeping on your pin curls.

The pin curls method on short hair helps maintain longer curl patterns.

  • Short hair less exposure to the environmental element

Pin curls create with shot hair less exposure to environmental elements, which makes them last longer to wear more than a day.

Short hair curls are not like long hair curls because long hair curls are more exposed to environmental elements like wind, which can affect the longevity of long hair curls.

You must know that the longevity of pin curls may be determined by factors like hair type and the curl-enhancing product used to achieve your curls.

In addition, how well you section and set your hair can determine the longevity of your short curl.

Click here to know if curly hair looks good on me.

Why Are My Pin Curls Frizzy?

Various factors can cause your pin curls to frizz.

From my five years of using the pin curl method to achieve curls, I will show eight reasons why your pin curls frizz.

  • Hair texture can cause pin curls to frizz

One of the reasons why your pin curls frizz is your hair texture.

Natural frizz or coarse hair texture will require more attention to achieve smooth curls without frizz.

  • Excess water can cause pin curls to frizz.

Not removing excess water from your hair when preparing to do pin curls can cause your pin curls to frizz. 

You must know your hair must not be too wet or dry; it should be damp before starting the pin curls process to avoid pin curl frizz.

  • Not using curls enhancing products causes pin curls to frizz

You must use curl-enhancing products on your pin curl techniques to avoid pin curl frizz.

In addition, applying too much enhancing product can cause your pin curls to frizz.

I recommend you apply your curls-enhancing product moderately to achieve awesome curls.

  • An inadequate hair section causes pin curls to frizz.

Sectioning your hair too thick when using the pin curls technique can cause your hair not to dry completely and set evenly, leading to frizz.

  • Wrong pinning techniques can pin curls frizz.

Pinning your hair sections wrongly or using hair pins that are too tight can disrupt your curl pattern and make your curls frizz.

  • Sleeping on curls can cause pin curls to frizz.

If you sleep with your pin curls restless, it can make your curls frizz overnight.

  • Over-touching pin curls cause frizz.

Avoid excess handling of your curls before they dry because it can disrupt your curl pattern and lead your pin curls to frizz.

Check here to learn how to get natural curly.


Now that you have learned do pin curls work on short hair.

Please do not forget pins curls hold better on damp, short hair.

It is essential you know curl-enhancing products make pin curls last longer.

Remember to use hair spray to set your curls after it completely dry.

Before starting the pin curls method, you must remove excess water from your short hair.

I recommend you practice with your short hair using the pin curls method to wear curled hair for special occasions.

I also have an existing article stating how to pin curls for beginners.