Complete Professional Routine For Makeup Step By Step At Home(Unlock The Secrets)

Complete Professional Routine For Makeup Step By Step At Home 2 1

Do you wish to know a complete professional routine for makeup step by step at home? Yes! You can start your complete make routine by sleeping well, preparing your skin, applying foundation, and applying other makeup materials.

Ten years ago. When I was a student at Harvard University, one of my friends noticed my makeup always cracked and faded.

I was unhappy about it and wondered how to have a complete makeup routine to look natural and beautiful.

I later developed a fantastic full-face makeup regimen, and I always appear gorgeous and natural when I use makeup.

Let me show you how I’ve been doing my makeup for the past ten years.

Know how to do perfect makeup at home

Let’s go

How Can I Do My Makeup At Home Like A Professional?

If you want to do makeup as a professional at home, there are different steps you will add to your daily routine to achieve perfect makeup success.

Therefore, I will first show the different steps for successful makeup and then the selection of suitable makeup products.

Having beautiful skin starts with a good facial care routine. And you have to start with some things to know and do. Let’s take a closer look.

Professional Routine For Makeup At Home: Sleep

Sleeping well is the first thing to have an even complexion and successful makeup.

The best makeup accessory is a good night’s sleep. It is true! Sleep repairs skin cells and helps them perform their functions properly.

Sleeping at least 7 hours a night, or even 8 hours ideally, is essential for beautiful skin.

Professional Routine For Makeup At Home: Hydration

This step is necessary. A well-hydrated skin is a backdrop that will protect your skin and even allow it to receive your makeup. Daily hydration has many benefits:

 Fight against minor annoyances such as redness, dehydration streaks, or dull complexion

Make-up sets better on well-hydrated skin. So your foundation will hold perfectly.

It allows you to become softer and smoother, therefore, younger.

Moisturizers, which rehydrate the top layer of cells in the skin and seal in moisture, are one of the most effective ways to treat dry skin.

They contain three main types of ingredients:

Humectants: These substances help attract moisture. They include ceramides, glycerin,  sorbitol, hyaluronic acid, and lecithin.

Occlusives: These ingredients, including petroleum jelly/  silicone /lanolin and various oils, help seal in moisture in the skin.

Emollients: Oil, water, and an emulsifier keep the two from separating in these products. They are less heavy and less difficult to apply than petrolatum or oils.

Many commercial moisturizers contain linolenic and lauric acids, which are both emollients and humectants. 

Do not hesitate to check if your products contain any of these substances, and drink a minimum of 1.5l of water daily.

Remember that when your skin is dehydrated, it may look duller, tighter, or more prone to inflammation, congestion, and breakouts, therefore, more prone to dementia.

Professional Routine For Makeup At Home: Healthy Diet

 Opt for a healthy diet and daily ritual

It is essential to offer your skin a daily well-being ritual that involves daily cleansing and a healthy diet because food contributes to the beauty of our skin.

Some foods hydrate it, while others, such as fatty or sugary foods, make it dull and prone to blemishes.

Avoid as much as possible (without constantly depriving yourself) fatty and sweet snacks. Think of almonds or avocados, rich in fatty acids and omega 3.

Enough to make your salads more original, tasty, and healthy!

Ten Professional Makeup Step By Steps At Home

Instructions and steps for healthy and prosperous makeup at home

Whether we are a man or a woman, makeup has fallen into everyone’s habits.

Professional Makeup Step 1: Systematically Cleanse The Skin

No makeup with perfect rendering without perfect makeup removal. The dust collected throughout the day prevents the skin from breathing and the makeup from holding.

You can achieve beautiful skin by removing makeup at night before you sleep and in the morning before makeup.

Professional Makeup Step 2: Apply A Facial Treatment As A Makeup Base

Successful makeup starts with good skin preparation, therefore with its hydration.

The idea is to have a complete routine adapted to your skin type  (serum + cream + eye contour).

Apply a serum and moisturizer adapted to your skin type all over the face and neck, avoiding the eye area.

The skin around the eyes is, in fact, fragile and requires specific care to moisturize it properly.

Applying makeup to non-hydrated skin makes makeup less pretty and less luminous.

Professional Makeup Step 3: Apply The Makeup Base With A Foundation

Applying foundation is an essential step in whatever type of makeup you want to achieve. Different foundation bases depend on the needs of your skin.

Apply the base that best matches your skin in the same shade as your skin tone.

The areas of the face that are usually most important to cover are the forehead, cheeks, nose bridge, chin, and jawline.

Once applied, then stretch outwards like a cream. How you move will be the same regardless of whether the foundation is cream, fluid, or compact.

Professional Makeup Step 4: Hide Imperfections With Concealer

The colored correctors make it possible to hide skin defects.

Green neutralizes the red of rosacea, recent scars, apparent vessels, and post-laser redness; the yellow blurs the blue of dark circles, spider veins, or post-surgery bruises. 

If you want a radiant appearance under the eyes, choose a concealer half a shade lighter than your skin tone.

Professional Makeup Step 5: Set Makeup

Set your makeup with a cloud of powder that will set the concealer and foundation and mattify the areas most prone to shine, such as the forehead, chin, and sides of the nose (the famous T-zone).

Professional Makeup Step 6: Sculpt The Face With A Blush

This step will also give a healthy glow.

Apply the blush on the highlights of the cheekbones for a “blowout” by stretching it from the cheekbones to the temples, which you can combine with sun powder (or bronzer).

Then, use a round brush to blend the sun powder, blush well, and give a natural finish. A touch of color that will make the complexion vibrate.

You can also opt for a slight contouring to structure the face and hollow out the cheeks.

Professional Makeup  Step 7: Magnify The Look

Consider the color of the iris and the shape of the eye: makeup is different depending on the color of your eyes.

The stages of a beautiful look:

Prepare your eyelids by applying a base for long-lasting and stable makeup throughout the day. Its objective will be to prevent the shadows from migrating over the hours.

Application of eyeshadow: The key is to emphasize the look by using shades ranging from the lightest inside the eye to the darkest on the outside.

You can then move on to creating the outline of the eye using an eyeliner or a pencil.

The application of mascara is a necessity for well-finished eye makeup. It will make it possible to intensify the look further, thanks to the thickening and lengthening of the eyelashes.

Finishing by making up the eyebrows, especially if they are pretty sparse, will be essential to frame your look.

Professional Makeup Step 8: Make Up The Mouth To Enhance It

The mouth deserves special attention. Because it allows you to finish your makeup.

For an impeccable mouth, there are three steps to remember:

For a well-made-up mouth, you need clean and smooth lips. And for that, you have to moisturize them with lip balm.

Once a week, you can also gently exfoliate to remove small dead skin with a scrub, Purchased or homemade (for this, combine granulated sugar and olive oil or sweet almond oil)

Outline your lips with a lip pencil. The latter has several advantages. For starters, it keeps the lipstick from “leaking.”

If you have thin lips, you can also cheat by tracing the outline a little wider than it is.

You can apply the lipstick directly to the tube or the brush, depending on your preference and the lipstick.

Professional Makeup Step 9: Remove MakeUp Each Evening

For the skin to breathe, it is essential to remove your makeup perfectly each evening to eliminate makeup and the day’s impurities preventing the skin from breathing.

In addition, not removing makeup clogs the pores of the skin and increases the risk of cysts on the face.

Professional Makeup Step 10: Sort Your Beauty And Care Products

In one year, you must have accumulated a lot of face creams, new makeup, or even treatments.

It’s time to go through your drawers to avoid using outdated products on your gorgeous face.

A small tab on the back of the packaging will indicate how long you can keep the product.

Six Makeup Mistakes To Avoid To Having Professional Makeup At Home

Beautiful makeup can beautify your look and illuminate it. But conversely, if you choose the wrong colors or materials, it can quickly age you.

Here are six mistakes to avoid when applying fresh, trendy eye makeup that will revitalize you!

Mistake1: Neglecting your complexion

It may seem strange, but the complexion must be flawless for good eye makeup! Concealer, foundation, powder, you have to choose the right products and shades above all!

Mistake2: Put on too much concealer

You have dark circles or puffiness and must erase them at all costs! Be careful of a fresh look. However, it is better to avoid overdoing it.

It is necessary to choose a concealer that is not too light, if possible, of the same color as the skin or a tone below.

Otherwise, you risk accentuating the bags under your eyes and all the signs of fatigue. If it’s too dark, on the contrary, it’s not good either because it risks making it “plaster.”

It is best to set the concealer with a translucent powder to avoid bringing out the signs of fatigue, especially around the eyes.

Mistake3: Use a foundation that covers too much

Since the trend of the moment is for a “glowing” complexion, it is better to have a light hand on the foundation and not wear too thick a layer.

Indeed, it will avoid freezing your features and will rejuvenate you significantly.

Mistake 4: Blush, yes, but not too much!

There’s nothing like a bit of blush on the cheeks for an immediate healthy glow effect! It gives a discreet boost to the complexion.

On the other hand, be careful not to choose too dark or intense colors. Choose a pink or peach blush instead.

Professional Makeup At Home Mistake5: Not Making The Right Choices Of Colors And Materials

If a few years ago, black was the color for refined and elegant eye makeup; it is true that it also tends to harden the features slightly.

Avoid black and use gentler colors, like taupe, if you have incredibly noticeable dark circles.

Similarly, avoid overly iridescent eyeshadows because the micro-glitter accentuates fine lines.

But too matte shadows lack relief and therefore tend to darken the eyes. To avoid mistakes, pick satin shadows that are somewhat bright to enlighten the eyes.

Professionals advise using a darker color along the upper lashes and a lighter color on the upper eyelid. It creates a slight contrast that will make the look deeper.

Colors can also be chosen incorrectly. Avoid pastel colors, even if they are trendy! However, too dark shadows tend to harden and age the appearance.

If you use pastel colors, consider enhancing everything by using a darker eyeshadow flush with the eyelashes.

Also, be careful with mascara: eyelashes that clump together are not very pretty and don’t open your eyes.

Professional Makeup At Home Mistake6: Not Caring For Your Eyebrows

The eyebrows are essential for the look because they frame the eyes, give them depth, and bring character to the face.

If they are too thick, made up, or dark, they will immediately give an aggressive side to your features and too much.

Conversely, if they are too light, sparse, and not highlighted enough, they will make you look tired.

It is critical to care for your brows and maintain a well-defined line that respects the natural shape of your brows. Tweeze everything beyond your brow line first.

Do not be afraid to consult a professional or to dare to restructure your brows to find the line best suited to the shape of your brows and your face.

If your brows are sparse, you can redraw them with a pencil or powder to give them more thickness.

You can discipline them by brushing them to maintain their original curve if they come naturally.

For this, you can use the brush of an old mascara (without material on it). It will make combing and disciplining simpler.

Can I Apply A Lot Of Colors To Have Professional Makeup?

No! You can’t apply many colors to your makeup to avoid overdoing it.

One of the common mistakes when applying makeup is overdoing it, especially with colors. Indeed, applying makeup with lots of colors can lead to unpleasant surprises.

Furthermore, use bright colors with caution and moderation. The idea is to appear suitable in front of the camera, not to dress up like Barbie.

So, use accessories cautiously, such as flashy eyeshadow, which has long been out of style. For the rest, choose sobriety.

A light dash of liner or colored mascara could also do the trick. You can also content yourself with simply touching your cheekbones rather than overloading them with too-flashy talc.

Can I Neglect Eyebrows To Have A Professional Makeup Face?

We often forget the importance of eyebrows in the beauty of the face. It is an important stage in the makeup application procedure.

Adding a small and delicate brush touch to your eyebrows can give more harmony to your face while remaining as natural as possible.

Can I Overdo Makeup And Have A Professional Makeup Look?

You must avoid overdoing your makeup at home.

Makeup application is a delicate process that requires considerable sensitivity and simplicity. Therefore, choosing the right accessories while avoiding overuse is necessary.


Now that you have learned a complete professional routine for makeup step by step at home.

Please, do not always forget to set your makeup with a cloud of powder to set the concealer and foundation and mattify the regions prone to shine, including the forehead, chin, and sides of the nose (the famous T-zone).

Remember, You can achieve beautiful skin by removing makeup before bed and cleansing your skin before applying makeup in the morning.