Beard Care Routine At Home(Beard Grooming At Home Made Easy)

Beard Care Routine At Home 1 1

Do you wish to know the beard care routine at home? Yes! You can have a beard care routine by washing your beard, moisturizing it, and trimming it.

Gone are the days when caring for my beard always took much time before I was done with it.

I wonder how to use less time to care for my beard before going to work daily.

I later discovered a beard care home routine that takes less time; it makes my beard healthy and shiny.

Let me show you how I care for my beard at home.

Know What Does Beard Oil Do Here.

Let’s delve into it.

Six Tips Beard Care Routine At Home

Beard care routine at home is part of the essential care needed to look beautiful and healthy.

Save my tips and change the appearance of your beard for the better!

Tip1 Beard Care Routine At Home: Wash Your Beard Well

The longer the beard, the more likely it is to have debris and dirt.

Therefore, washing your beard is essential to be clean, beautiful, and soft. For this, the tip is to use products specific to your beard.

Tip2 Beard Care Routine At Home: Trim Hair Regularly

Regardless of your beard style, in addition to keeping it clean, it should always look pleasant and well-groomed.

Trim it often is also essential, especially if you like a well-groomed beard.

The tip is that maintenance is done once a week. If you have a shorter beard, you can use a razor blade for this.

For fuller and longer ones, I recommend a shaving machine or scissors.

To trim the right way, ask your barber for tips. Nobody better than him will know the best technique to keep the shape of your beard up to date.

  • Short Or Medium-Length Beards

Start with the cheekbones. Shave this area semi-circularly from your temple to the sideline of your mouth – this will keep your beard clean and well-groomed.

Clean the bottom part of your Adam’s apple, that bump just below your throat.

Use the comb to detangle. If your beard is wavy, stretch it out to see which parts of the hair need to be cut.

It can be done with the clipper to make the sideburns short and the chin hair longer.

Use the scissors in places where the clipper does not work. Even if you don’t have a Clipper at home, you can cut your hair with the help of a comb and scissors.

Just comb them and trim them to the desired length.

Apply shaving gel or foam in the cheek area, stretch the skin upwards, and shave.

Finally, wash with lukewarm water and apply the beard oil or moisturizing gel you choose.

  • Long Beards

Use a comb and scissors to style: untangle the hairs, comb the beard downwards, and trim the longer hairs to achieve uniformity.

Cut from the jaw to the chin, from shortest to longest, respectively.

Remove an extremely long beard to make it clean and well-groomed.

Tip3 Beard Care Routine At Home: Treat Dandruff On The Beard

Yeah, dandruff – also known as seborrheic dermatitis – can also affect the skin of the face, where the beard is.

To control the problem, in addition to using specific products, it is essential to have a care routine, such as regular hygiene.

If the condition persists, see a dermatologist, who will analyze the situation and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Tip4 Beard Care Routine At Home: Avoid Scratching The Area Too Much

One habit acquired by those who grow a beard is frequently running their hands over itor scratching the area.

Although it seems irresistible to do this, it is essential to avoid this practice, as it can encourage the formation of ingrown hairs – by disturbing their growth direction.

To reduce itchiness and discomfort, beard care products – both pre- and post-shave – can help improve the sensation in this region of the face.

Tip5 Beard Care Routine At Home: Comb The beard

Yes, it would help if you combed your beard. Specific combs and brushes are on the market to be used in the region. Whenever you wash your beard or go out, comb it.

It helps keep the look lined up and activates circulation in the area, making your beard grow healthy.

Tip6 Beard Care Routine At Home: Bet On Hydration

In addition to the good old shampoo, other cosmetics help keep your beard healthy.

Balms, for example, are an alternative to conditioners, with the difference that they are rinse-free. The category is ideal for moisturizing and avoiding irritation.

Beard oils, made from vegetable oils, help restore nutrients to the hair and moisturize the hair on the skin of the face.

Just spread a few drops in the palm of your hands, according to the beard size, and apply without rinsing. He’s excellent, especially for those with a long and drier beard.

How Many Times A Day Do I Oil My Beard?

Even if you don’t plan on growing it out longer than that, a 3-day beard requires daily use of oil. Underneath your hair, even if it’s short, your skin will need to be moisturized.

Two drops (or one squeeze if the bottle has a dispenser) will suffice.

If you have a few weeks old beard. The beard of a few weeks is the most complicated to bear. It’s the one that scratches the most.

At this precise moment, beard oil is more than necessary; it becomes essential if you want to grow a beard.

Many men shave entirely or return to the “3-day beard” stage at this stage. Quite simply because they no longer support the itching.

Pour 3 or 4 drops. Once the product is applied, look at the palms of your hands.

If they are still very oily, your oil is too greasy for your hair or skin, or you have applied too much. Decrease the number of drops.

In the same way, as for the 3-day beard, the use of serum, cream, or beard balm can also be recommended for beards of a few weeks (without being too long).

If your bottle has a pump, two pumps should be enough.

Beard Care Routine At Home On A Beard Of A Few Months

It is where it starts to get interesting. We begin to have a “real” beard.

It is also when you realize the true nature of your beard hair and where you may have to face some problems. (Almost) every problem has its solution.

Therefore, you will apply 4 to 5 drops of beard oil at this stage.

You can still use beard serum or cream, but you will need more. Pay attention to the scent of this product: if it is too strong, you risk embalming those around you.

If the bottle of your beard oil is equipped with a pump. Use 3 to 5 pumps depending on the viscosity of the oil used. The oilier the oil, the less pressure you will need.

And the Hipster beard, then?

A “Hipster beard” looks like a beard of a few months but a little longer and, above all, very well maintained.

Count 5 to 6 drops. With a Hipster look, you can afford to have a very slightly shiny beard. It’s part of the style.

Same as for the beard of several months, if your bottle is equipped with a pump, 3 to 5 pressures should be enough.

What Stimulates Beard Growth?

Stimulate your beard with basic facial hygiene

 Before doing anything, your skin must be flawless! It needs to stay clean and hydrated.

If your skin is not healthy, your beard will not be able to grow correctly, or it will grow brittle and sparse.

The solution? Adopt a simple and adapted daily care routine:

Step 1:  Cleanse your skin with a suitable organic facial cleanser or a mild soap. You can also exfoliate your skin once or twice a week with an exfoliant – organic face scrub with vegetable charcoal.  

Step 2: Use an organic beard shampoo: suitable for beard hair (different from hair) and good for the skin of the cheeks (different from the scalp).

Step 3: Moisturize your skin daily with an organic moisturizing face gel. Morning and evening, the golden rule is to do it on clean skin.

How To Stimulate The Growth Of Your Beard Simply?

The step you’ve been waiting for! You can do as many massages as you want to stimulate beard growth for 5 to 10 minutes, especially when applying your organic beard oil or balm oil.

The castor oil in these two treatments will soften and thicken your beard.

However, you can exfoliate with an organic face scrub before performing the massage for the best results.

The ideal way to exfoliate a thick beard is to use a boar bristle brush.

 Beyond styling and brushing your beard, it will mainly have the effect of exfoliating the skin underneath. In this way, you will eliminate impurities and dead skin.

When you move on to the massage step, the oil or balm will soak up more heavily and hydrate your beard and skin more deeply.

Brushing your beard is also an essential step.

Brushing stimulates micro-blood circulation and will therefore provide nutrients that will stimulate growth (in addition to playing the role of exfoliating massage).

Should I Brush My Beard Before Or After Showering?

Brush your beard after you shower, and make sure it dries up before brushing your beard.

Avoid brushing your beard with wet bristles

Those starting to have a slightly long beard (without necessarily having Santa’s beard) know this ordeal: when they get out of the shower, the beard can start to make knots.

Therefore, I advise you to let it dry before brushing your beard.

Either in the open air if it is not too long and if you are not in a hurry (the least aggressive and most natural solution)

You can also use a towel to pat your beard (no need to go there as a beard) or with a hair dryer.

For those who think the hair dryer damages the bristles (or those with slightly weakened hair).

Please set it to an intermediate temperature, and don’t get it too close to your beard.

Move it away slightly when it starts to heat your skin too much.

Brush your beard from top to bottom. In addition to drying it, it will give it a nice shape.

Using a good beard oil will allow you to rehydrate the hair if it is too dry from using the hair dryer.

What Should I Put In My Beard Before Bed?

You could apply beard oil at night before bed.

Nothing prevents you from applying beard oil before going to bed, and there are no real contraindications for doing so.

But here’s the thing: applying too much beard oil is easy. In this case, your beard will be oily, which can cause skin problems.

In addition, beard oil will be much less interesting in the evening, particularly because the essential oils responsible for the scent will be much less effective.

If you want a product to moisturize and care for your beard before bed, I advise you to prefer an essential oil, such as jojoba oil, rather than natural beard oil.

Of course, you can still apply beard oil at night, but take a few precautions.

Applying beard oil at night is different than applying it during the day

If you apply beard oil or base oil at night, you must do things differently.

Reducing the amount of oil you apply by half is particularly important. For example, if you applied four drops daily, you should only apply 2 in the evening.

Can I Wash My Beard every day?

Don’t wash your beard every day!

It is not recommended to shampoo your beard every day.

Indeed, washing tends to strip the hydrolipidic film that protects your epidermis. Therefore, washing too often can cause an imbalance in sebum production and dry out your skin.

And it can weaken your skin and becomes prone to irritation, itching, and dandruff.

For example, 2 to 3 washes per week are more than enough to eliminate dead cells from your epidermis and avoid excess sebum.

Cleaning your beard is, therefore, essential to maintain a healthy beard.

Due to its moisturizing and nourishing power, beard shampoo will make your hair more supple and soft.

Your beard will become healthy again and eliminate the accumulated bacteria.

When To Brush Your Beard?

The most important thing in beard care is regularity.

That’s why brushing your beard at least twice daily is necessary.

However, the more you wash your beard, the more you will need to brush it to distribute the sebum from the base of your hair to the tips.

Brushing your beard also has relaxing properties. So there is no ideal time to brush your beard.

You can spend a whole morning brushing your beard if needed! It also depends on the quality of your hair and the length and thickness of your beard.

Beard brush or beard comb: what to choose?

The beard comb has more or less spaced teeth and sometimes even a handle for better ergonomics.

You will use it to untangle your hair and style your fleece.

The comb is generally suitable for all beards, including the longest.

With beard oil, he will be able to make it penetrate the hair and distribute it well for better hydration.

The brush will fold the hair and help you with the finishing touches.

If you have a thick bristle, wearing your choice of beard brush will be better.

You should also know that the shorter your beard, the less combing will be necessary.

However, having a beard brush does not prevent you from having a beard comb.

Indeed, the beard comb is useful for reaching the hairs deep inside your bush, while the beard brush will do a surface job and smooth out the exposed hairs.

The brush can therefore be used as a complement to the comb!

The Different Types Of Beard Brushes

The bristles of a beard brush come in many forms. They can be synthetic, made from boar bristles or horsehair.

Recently, there are even been beard brushes made of Agave bristles (100% vegetable) ideal for vegans.

You will find beard brushes with more or less stiff bristles.

Soft bristles are softer for the skin and less aggressive for your beard than stiff ones. However, brushes with stiff bristles will be more effective on thick and voluminous beards.


Now that you have learned the beard care routine at home.

Don’t use hot water to wash your beard because it can damage it. Use lukewarm water and mild natural shampoo.

Drying your beard and mustache properly is important because not removing moisture well can harm the health of your skin and beard itself.

Remember, before you do anything, make sure your skin is immaculate! It must be clean and moisturized. If your skin is unhealthy, your beard will either not grow properly or may grow brittle and sparse.

But I have an exciting article stating How to shape your beard.