Are Metal Claw Clips Better Than Plastic?(The Claw Clips Material Matters)

A comparison of metal and plastic claw clips for hairstyling

Do you wish to know are metal claw clips better than plastic? Yes! Metal claw clips are better than plastic to secure long, thick hair.

Gone are the days when I wondered if metal claw clips were better than plastic.

I later discovered metal claw clips or plastic are better for individuals based on their hair type and texture.

Let me show you everything you need to know between metal claw clips and plastic.

Know here how do you get the perfect claw clip for hair

Let’s delve into it.

Metal Claw Clips Vs. Plastic Claw Clips

Claw clips are popular this year; most wonder if meta claw clips are better than plastic.

Hair claw clips are designed with different materials, but the main types are designed with metal or plastic materials.

Metal claws are made with stainless steel, brass, and copper, making them strong for holding thick, long hair throughout the day.

On the other hand, plastic claws are made with acrylic, polyester, or nylon, making them comfortable to wear on thin hair.

Metal claw clips and plastic are also known as jaw clips.

Click here to know Is it okay to use claw clips everyday

What To Consider Before Choosing Metal Claw Clip Or Plastic

Before choosing a metal clip or plastic for your hair, you must keep some things in mind.

·         Consider the price rate of the claw clip.

Know your budget before choosing claw clips for your hair. Metal claw clips are more expensive than plastic because of the high-quality materials they are made of.

The price rate you can find for metal claw clips is between $7 to $50. But you must know the price based on the brand’s quality and design of the jaw clip.

Plastic claw clips are inexpensive than metal, and the price rate is around 1$ – $10; it also depends on the brand that produces it and the size and design of the claw clip.

·         Consider your hair type and texture.

The hair type and texture will determine the claw clip you need for your hair.

For instance, if you have long, coarse, or curly hair, use a metal claw clip to secure your long and coarse hair without slipping off or losing your hairstyle.

Besides, if you have thin or short hair, opt for plastic jaw clips because they are gentle without pulling or tugging your hair.

Additionally, the plastic claws will reduce pressure and stress on your hair.

·         Consider the weight of the claw clip.

However, plastic claw grips are lightweight on hair, making them easy to wear without feeling uncomfortable throughout the day.

But metal claw clamps are heavier than plastic, making them perfect for securing thick and volume hair.

Click here to learn are claw clips OK for your hair

Which Claw Clip Lasts Longer Between Metal And Plastic

The longevity of claw clips between metal and plastic is essential before purchasing them.

Claw clips are made in different materials, shapes, and designs, but they last longer than each other.

However, metal claw clips are strong and made with durable material, which makes them last longer than plastic hair clips.

Click here to learn how to use plastic hair pins for hair.

In addition, they are designed with high-temperature resistance and humidity without breaking or losing their design shape.

I always use high-quality hair clips to style my hair at home for birthday parties and international holidays

Wearing your metal jaw clip can’t break or rust your hair clip, although you always have to clean your hair clip.

Always clean your claw clip after removing them from your hairstyle to avoid product buildup on your clip.

Plastic claw clips are also strong but not up to metal hair clips. You can support plastic jaw clips with other hair accessories like a hair tie or bobby pin.

Delve deeper here to know why are claw clips so popular now

Which Claw Clip Are Most Available Between Metal And Plastic

Claw clips are popular, but a plastic claw clip is the most available.

Plastic claw clips are mostly available online and in beauty stores near you. Furthermore, plastic claw clips are easy to find online and in physical stores.

Metal jaw clips are not widely available like plastic. You must search online or go to a special base beauty store for a metal claw clip that suits your hairstyle.

Additionally, they don’t have various colors and styles like plastic claw clips.

Wisely choose claw clips that complement your outfit and personality, whether made with metal or plastic. 

Expand your understanding by delving into are claw clips still trending.

Which Claw Clip Is Best Between Metal And Plastic For Occasional Events

Choosing the best claw clip between metal and plastic depends on the personality and hairstyle you want to wear for your occasional event.

Metal claw clips are best for occasional events because they look professional with hairstyles.

You can wear metal hair claws with any hairstyle to achieve an elegant and polished look for different occasions.

Metal hair clips are fashionable designs to suit your hair shade, especially when choosing metallic colors to complement your hairstyle for events.

I like wearing gold claw clips to special occasions because they are fashionable accessories that suit my hair.

You must know that a high-quality gold claw clip doesn’t unnecessarily slip away from your hairstyle.

Plastic jaw clips are also made in different colors to suit different hairstyles for occasional events, but they are not professional like metal hair clips.

However, plastic claw clips look simpler and more basic on hairstyles than metal ones.

Plastic hair clips can clash with your hair shade if you don’t know the best color that complements your hair color, especially if you choose bright or contrasting colors that don’t suit your hair shade.

Click here to learn how do you style your hair with a claw clip.

What Claw Clip Has Best Grip Between Metal And Plastic

Metal claw clips have a stronger grip than plastic, but you must consider your hair size and texture before choosing the best clip for securing your hair.

Furthermore, metal jaw clips are better for securing thick and long hair than plastic.

If you need to secure your hair section while styling your hair, use a hair section clip.

However, plastic claw clips have the best grip for thinner, shorter hair without slipping or damage.

Plastic hair clips can be slippery on straight or silky hair, requiring you to readjust them frequently or apply hairspray.

The claw clip spring also determines the best grip for your hair.

Check the spring of claw clips before purchasing them in the beauty store to get the best grip for your hairstyles.

Gain a deeper understanding about Is the claw clip hairstyle good for your hair

Are Metal Claw Clips Bad For Your Hair?

No! Metal claw clips are not bad for your hair, but you must use them carefully.

Avoiding factors that can make metal claw clips bad for your hair would be best.

Friction claw clip breakage: You have to consider the shape of your claw clip before inserting it into your hair.

Applying a metal claw clip with sharp edges to your hair might generate friction, which can cause hair damage.

You must check the edges of your metal jaw clamps before purchasing them for your hair.

High-quality metal jaw clips always have smooth surfaces and a low risk of hair damage.

Claw clip tension and stress: Wearing a metal jaw clip too tightly for long periods can lead to breakage in your hair. It can cause stress on your hair, especially if you have fine and delicate hair.

So, you must avoid wearing your metal hair clip too tightly throughout the day to avoid hair damage.

Jaw clip heat conductivity: Wearing a cheap metal clip design without heat resistance can transfer heat to your hair if exposed to heat styling tools. In addition, it can lead your hair to hair damage.

So avoid wearing cheap metal hair grip in conjunction with heat styling tools.

It would be best if you opted for high-quality metal claw clips with heat resistance in conjunction with heat styling tools.

Discover here how do you use a claw clip for beginners

Rust Metal Clip Damage

Wearing a claw clip that is not rust-resistant can later rust and potentially cause your hair to be damaged.

Ensure the metal jaw clip is rust-resistant before purchasing them for your hair.

Hair clip heavy: Metal hair clips can be heavy on hair, and they can pull your hair down when you wear them for a long period, leading to hair breakage.

Furthermore, always wear lightweight hair clips such as plastic claw clips; they are gentle on hair, and you can easily wear them throughout the day without pulling your hair down.

So, metal claw clips are not bad for your hair if you use them correctly on your hair.

Enhance your understanding of what is the meaning of claw clip


Now that you have learned are metal claw clips better than plastic.

Please do not forget to consider your hair type and texture before choosing a better claw clip for your hairstyle.

Remember, plastic claw clips are better for achieving a different look daily. At the same time, a metal hair clip is better for an occasional and professional event look.

Metal claw clips can complement different appearances, from casual to formal.

Both metal and plastic claw clips are better for achieving different hairstyles.

Choose a better claw clip based on your personality and desired hairstyles.

I have an existing article about other hair section clip accessories you use for your hair. Click here to learn how to use decorative hair pins.