Are Hair Pins Bad For Your Hair?(know From My 5years Experience)

Close-up of hairpins on a surface.

Do you wish to know are hair pins bad for your hair? No, hair pins are not bad for your hair if you carefully insert them correctly and remove them gently after use.

The first time I used hairpins was 5years ago when I was a student at the University of Cambridge, and I misused a hairpin, leading to my hair damage.

I wondered why hairpins are bad for my hair, But I later discovered hair pins are not bad for my hair if I use them properly.

Let me show you my 5year’s experience of using hair pins with care to avoid hair damage.

Know how do you pin your hair back without damaging it here.

Let’s delve into it.

Five Ways Why Hair Pins Can Be Bad For Your Hair

The first reason hair pins are bad for your hair is wrong to insert and remove.

From my five years of experience using hair pins, I know hair pins don’t damage hair if you gently remove them without pulling out the hair strands.

The way hair pins can cause damage to your hair is by inserting them improperly.

I advise gently inserting and removing hair pins to avoid hair damage.

The second reason hair pins can damage your hair is tension and pressure.

Hair breaking occurs when I apply too much pressure or tension to my hair when fixing it with hair pins.

Unnecessary securing your hair too tight can cause your hair to break.

I recommend you avoid pulling your hair pins too tightly, and it is also necessary to avoid using an extreme number of hair pins in one section of your hair to prevent hair damage.

The third why hair pins can be bad for your hair is the quality of your hair pins.

You see, impaired quality of hair pins can affect your hair health.

Low-quality hair pins with sharp edges or rough surfaces can cause hair friction and damage your hair cuticles.

To keep my hair in place, I always use high-quality hair pins. Choose high-quality hairpins made of smooth materials to avoid friction and the danger of hair damage caused by hairpins.

The fourth reason hairpins may bad for your hair is your hair type and condition.

Applying hair pins to fragile hair can make it prone to breakage.

Different hair types and conditions can react to hair pins in different ways.

Consider your hair condition before using hair pins on your hair.

Fine or fragile hair can be prone to breakage, while strong and healthy hair can handle and suit hairpins without damage.

Do Metal Hair Pins Damage Hair?

Yes, metal hair pins can damage your hair only if you don’t carefully use them.

Be careful with the updos: hair clips, barrettes, and ponytails can damage the hair if you don’t style your hair with them correctly.

Alternatively, using the gentler version with hair bands, bun pins, or nets is better.

Before using metal hair pins to secure your hair, your hair must be in good condition before using them on your hair.

Using metal hair pins on unhealthy hair can cause more damage to your hair. Many long-haired wearers like to wear their hair up and decorate it with decorative clips.

But some clamps or clips can break off the hair. But there are also gentler variants.

It will help if you use hard metal clasps, clamps, or Concorde clips with sharp edges with caution.

These sometimes exert strong pressure on small areas of the individual hairs. It is especially true when the braces are particularly tight.

On the other hand, ponytail ties distribute the pressure over a larger area, and thus over more extended sections of the individual hairs can cause hair damage.

Our hair doesn’t like too much pressure and tension that can stress them. It is always essential to avoid stress for your hair.

But even alternatives to metal hair pins, like wearing tight rubber bands regularly in the same place, as with a ponytail, can damage the hair in the long run because it can overstress the hair in the corresponding regions.

Is It Bad To Wear Hair Clips All The Time?

Yes, wearing your hair clips always is not a good idea. Using hair clips excessively or for extended periods can potentially cause stress for your hair.

I remember five years ago when I always use hair clips on my hair, which later lead my hair to breakage. Since then, I have always avoided wearing my hair clips for extended periods.

You can use hair clips for a wide range of hairstyling options; it allow you to create various looks easily and quickly.

Hair clips are one of the best accessories that help me keep my hair neat and organized, preventing it from getting in my face or causing discomfort.

They are convenient for keeping our hair in place during workouts, cooking, or other activities that need you to secure it to avoid discomfort.

I recommend you stop using hair clips too frequently on your hair, give your hair a break from hair clips and allow your hair to rest and breathe.

When I want to use a less restrictive hold, I use some hairpins alternative, such as softer hair ties, scrunchies, and headbands.

So now that we know that wearing a hairpin every time is not recommended as it may lead to hair damage and scalp irritation from my experience.

I recommend you use them in moderation and ensure to use high-quality hair clips, and give your hair breaks to maintain its health and appearance.

Can I Sleep With Hair Clips In My Hair?

No, sleeping with hair pins on your hair is generally not recommended.

Sleeping with hair clips on your hair is dangerous, especially if your hair clips have sharp edges or protruding elements that can hurt your scalp and damage your hair.

You must understand that sleeping with hair clips can cause discomfort when you rest your head on the pillow, potentially leading to a restless night’s sleep.

The second reason I didn’t recommend you sleep with hair clips. When you move and shift your head during sleeping, your hair clips may get tangled and caught in your hair.

It can cause hair breakage or pull out your hair strand, especially if you toss and turn frequently.

The third reason why I don’t recommend you sleep with hair clips.

Sleeping with your hair clips can add too much pressure and friction on your hair, which can irritate your scalp leading to redness, itching, or soreness.

It can be particularly problematic if you have a sensitive scalp or any pre-existing scalp problem.

My last reason why I don’t recommend you to sleep with your hair clips. Sleeping with your hair clips can damage the hair clips themselves.

The pressure you add to your hair clips when sleeping, including with your movement, can bend or break and lose the hair clip’s shape over time.

Are Hair Pins Better For Your Hair?

Yes, hairpins are better for your hair. It depends on how you want to style your hair to determine which type of hairpins will suit your style.

Different types of hairpins are better for your hair.

Consider your hair texture and conditions before choosing hairpins for your hair.

Which Hair Clips Is Best For Hair?

There are different types of hair clips, but choosing the best will only depend on how you want to style your hair with hair clips.

Bobby pins are okay for hair, especially if you want to style your hair with buns or updos. There are different types of bobby pins.

Some bobby pins are made of metal, while some are plastic.

I recommend choosing a bobby pin made with suitable materials for your hairstyle to look good.

Make sure to opt for high-quality bobby pins.

Do French Hair Pins Damage Hair?

No, French hairpins don’t damage hair If you gently insert and remove them from your hair.

From my experience, French hair pins are one of the best accessories to secure your hair, but you must use them correctly.

You must know French hair pins’ impact on your hair will always depend on how you use them.

French hair pins, also known as U-shaped hairpins, the quality of French hair pins you use to style your hair will depend on how they affect your hair.

The first French hairpin I used on my hair five years ago was bad quality, leading to my hair damage; since then, I always look for good high-quality French hairpins made with suitable materials.

Your French hair pins must be high-quality to prevent hair damage.

French hair pins are a good option for me to create updos and intricate hairstyles because they offer secure holds.

French hair pins are designed to stay in place for extended periods without slipping, so I always use fewer pins to achieve my desired hairstyle.

It is essential to prevent hair breakage when styling your hair with French hair pins by inserting it gently.

If you notice any hair damage before using a French hairpin, you should consider using an alternative to French hairpins for a while to prevent more hair damage.

The best French hair pins practice, from my experience, is to get high-quality hair pins, insert them gently, and remove them slowly after use.

Consider your hair type and scalp conditions before using French hair pins; ensure to minimize French hair pins from your hair to prevent hair damage.

I recommend using them wisely with care to prevent hair breakage.


Now that you have learned are hair pins bad for your hair.

Please do not forget to avoid low-quality hairpins for your hair; they can easily cause hair damage.

Prevent hair damage by using high-quality hair pins made of smooth materials to avoid hair breakage.

Always insert your hairpin gently and remove it slowly to prevent hair breakage.

Remember using high-quality hair pins with care are not bad for your hair.

I also have an existing article stating how to style hair with hair pins