Are Claw Clips Still Trending?(The Reign Of Claw Clips)

Close-up of trendy claw clips showcasing timeless elegance.

Do you wish to know are claw clips still trending? Yes! Claw clips are still trending this year on celebrity and individual hairstyles.

Back in the day, I wondered if claw clips were still in style in 2024. I later discovered claw clips are still popular on celebrity and individual hairstyles.

Let me show you everything you need to know about the trending claw clip.

Know here what are some tips for styling my hair with claw clips

Let’s delve into it.

Are Claw Clips Still In Style Trending In 2024?

Yes! Claw clips are still one of the best hair clamps in 2024; they are useful for individuals’ hair.

You can use claw clips to get your desired look for special occasions. I easily wear claw clips on weekends to achieve a relaxed look at home.

However, you can jump on hair claw clips trending from half-up styles to ponytail hairstyles.

Jaw clips are created in different sizes to create trendy hairstyles this year. Additionally, you can use claw clip size to create a trending hairstyle base on your hair size and textures.

People who have curly or coil hair texture can use hair claw clips to create their unique trending hairstyle.

Claw clips are really trending this year on social media, especially on TikTok.

You can create your unique claw clip hairstyle at home, record the hairstyle steps with your phone, and post it on your page to give it a chance to trend.

All ages can wear trending claw clip hairstyles at home or in offices.

Click here to know how do you get the perfect claw clip hair

How Do You Wear A Claw Clip Trending In 2024?

There are different ways you can wear claw clips this year, depending on your desired updos for the day.

You can also determine how you want to wear your claw clip based on the mood and appearance you want to achieve.

However, claw clips are created in different colors, and you can wear them to achieve a sleek or sophisticated look at home.

Hair clamps are important for women who have many updos hairstyles on their hairstyle routine to wear per day.

They are easy to wear and gently on your healthy hair. Most people like to wear them because they have various benefits for their hairstyle.

One of the trendy hairstyles I like to wear this year is a dancer bun with a claw clip.

If you desire to learn more about how do you style your hair with a claw clip. Click here

Trending Claw Clips Hairstyle

Dancer bun

Hair embellishments are often disguised with a classic dancer bun. The hair elastics or bobby pins you use to fix your hair become hidden inside your strands.

This hairstyle, on the other hand, puts the claw clip front and center to be part of the style.

Twist your hair into a bun as normal. Then, tie the ends with a huge claw clip to keep the bun in place.

Make sure the clip catches both ends of the bun and your hair underneath. If you want the style to be a bit more casual, pull out small strands from the ears for a loose, undone look.

Bonus tip:

If you have thicker hair, a single claw clip may not be enough to hold your dancer bun in place.

You can get a similar appearance by using a hair elastic and a few drops of hairspray to keep your hair in place. Wrap the elastic around the bun’s base once you’ve formed it with your strands.

The elastic will be responsible for holding the bun in place; the claw clip will serve simply as decoration.

Click here to learn how do you use a claw clip for beginners

Trendy Claw Clip Trending On Social Media

Claw clips are accessories that are often used for creating different hairstyles on social media.

Hairstyles with claw clips that work for any occasion.

I was inspired by one of Kendall Jenner’s favorite hairstyles.

Step 1: Brush your hair

First of all, brush your hair until it is smooth and free of tangles.

Step 2: Gather your hair

Then, gather your hair at the nape of your neck and hold it with one hand.

Step 3: Choose a claw clip size base on your hair size

After holding your hair with the other hand, then, take a claw clip and open it.

Step 4: Secure the base of your hair

Ensure to slide the clip over the base of your hair and close it securely.

Step 5: Twist the loose end

Now, Twist the loose end of your hair and tuck it into the clip.

Step 6: Fluff the ends of your hair that stick out from the top of the clip.

A look for casual occasions like a celebrity!

Click here to know if the claw clip hairstyle good for your hair.

Can Claw Clips Break?

Yes, Claw clips can break if they are not made with high-quality materials.

I remember the day I wanted to style my hair with a claw clip, and it broke in the process of inserting it into my hair.

I was frustrated with the claw clip because it was made with bad material.

So, you must avoid hair clips made with low-quality materials that can easily be prone to damage after some weeks or months, especially if they are made with low-quality plastic material.

How frequently you are using your claw clip can determine their longevity. For example, if you are wearing one claw clip every day, it can weak and break as soon as possible.

Your hair type and texture can determine how long your claw clip can break.

To illustrate, If you are wearing a small claw clip on your thick and heavy hair, it can lead your hair claw to weak and break.

A hair claw clip made with a weak spring can break while using it for styling hair.

So, it would be best if you got a claw clip made with a high-tension spring to avoid hair clip breakage.

How you maintain your claw clip after using them can determine how long you can use them before they weak and break.

You must clean and organize your claws after using them to avoid product buildup that can rust them and lead them to break.

Make sure to handle your claw clip with care to avoid breaking them. To illustrate, adding too much force on your claw clip while opening it can lead them to break.

I recommend you handle your hair grips gently and opt for high-quality hair claw clips to avoid breaking.

Uncover the truth here about are claw clips ok for your hair

Can I Wear A Trending Claw Clip To A Wedding?

Yes, you can wear a claw clip to a wedding. Claw clips are versatile hair accessories you can wear to any occasion or event. They are perfect for styling hair in place.

There are some factors you have to consider before wearing a claw clip to a wedding.

You have to consider the size of your hair before choosing a hair claw for a wedding. Jaw clips are made in different sizes to suit various events.

Make sure to choose the right hair clip size for your hair to achieve a secure hairstyle before wearing it to a wedding.

However, Claw clips are made in different colors to complete your wedding outfit. Consider the appearance you want to achieve before wearing a claw clip.

You can wear neutral or metallic colors that suit your hair shade to look beautiful, or you can use a contrast color of claw clip to pop up your hairstyle for a wedding.

So, make sure to avoid colors that can clash with your outfit or wedding colors.

Confirm here is it okay to use claw clips everyday

Are Trending Claw Clips Good To Wear To A Wedding

Yes! Claw clips are one of the best hair clips you can wear to a wedding. Claws are made in different designs for daily updos and special events.

If you are one of the people who like to get a minimalistic look for their wedding party, you can wear a simple or sleek hair claw clip for a wedding.

But if you want to achieve a glamorous or romantic look for a wedding, opt for a claw clip made with beautiful elements such as flowers, Crystals, rhinestones, or pearls.

Those elements can make your claw clip hairstyles look more beautiful for a wedding.

There are different claw clip hairstyles you can wear to a wedding, for instance, Half up, half down, low bun, or French twist hairstyle.

One of the best hairstyles you can wear with a hair claw clip to a wedding is the low bun style.

I like wearing a Low bun hairstyle with claw clips to weddings because it makes me look chic and elegant.

Follow the below steps to create a Low bun hairstyle with a claw clip.

Step 1: Create a bun hairstyle

Firstly, Pull your hair back into a low ponytail and twist it into a bun.

Step 2: Secure your bun

Then, use a claw clip to hold the bun in place, making sure to tuck in any loose ends.

Step 3: Finish with your bun style

Finally, You can also leave some face-framing pieces out for a softer and more relaxed look.

Practice with different wedding hairstyles at home to achieve an elegant look at your next wedding party.

Confirm here to know if metal claw clips better than plastic

Can You Swim With A Trending Claw Clip In?

Yes, it is possible to swim with a claw clip-in. But It is not generally recommended for you to swim with a claw clip-in.

The claw is not designed for holding hair while swimming. Furthermore, chlorine and salt water can rust the metal of your claw clip and break the plastic of your clip.

Although not all claw clips are made of metal and plastic, some other hair claw materials are more resistant to corrosion.

But they will also be damaged by chlorine and salt water over time used for swimming.

Chlorine and salt are harsh on hair, which can lead your hair to damage or cause color fading if you wear dye hair to swim.

Individuals can damage their claw clips if they wear them while swimming in the pool.

However, If you don’t have any clip to hold your hair in place then claw clip to swim. You have to consider some things before wearing a hair clip to swim.

Consider if you want to go for a quick deep swim or an extended swim. You can use a hair claw clip to keep your hair out of your face only for a quick dip in the pool.

But you have to braid or twist your hair before using them to avoid your hair loose inside a pool or Ocean.

Furthermore, you can’t use your claw clip to swim in extended swimming or underwater activities.

I recommend Opting for a swim cap that is designed to keep your hair in place while swimming in the pool or Ocean.

Claw clip is not perfect for holding hair in place while swimming because they can’t secure hair perfectly in the pool.

Expand your understanding about what is the meaning of claw clip


Now that you have learned are claw clips still trending.

Please do not forget claw clips are still trending, and you can style your hair in different unique claw clip hairstyles with your creativity.

Remember, you can trend your hair clip hairstyles through social media.

You can trend your unique hairstyle by recording the process of creating your hairstyle and posting it on your social media page for people to watch and share it.

Coutinue reading to expand your knowledge about why are claw clips so popular now